I was casually browsing through all my books this weekend and noticed that I had quite a lot of paranormal related books in the mix. Most of my books consist of history books and some old text books from school that I use for reference every once in awhile. I have almost a complete shelve of paranormal books that I’ve collected throughout the years. Some are stories of fiction others are based on “true events”. The ones that I enjoy more than anything are those “unexplained mysteries” books that you get from your local book store that have a plethora of mysteries from around the world. Real stories about gnomes, goblins, sea monsters and land monsters are my favorite to read. I have all of Linda Godfrey’s “werewolf” books and love them. These books are not novels so don’t think that I’m some kind of 31 year old freak who is into Twilight or anything, but these books are a compilation of eyewitness
testimonies from strange wolf-like creatures reported in certain sections of the United States. The stories sound convincing enough for me to spend an afternoon reading.
Then I have classic books like “The Exorcist”, “The Entity”, “Communion” and “The Amityville Horror” to name a few. I’ve not been keeping up with a lot of fiction/non-fiction paranormal related books lately so I figured I would ask you guys what books you have currently read that you would recommend.
I do like King and Koontz although I’ve not read their stuff in years. I the last book that I read that was supposedly based on a true story was “Grave’s end” which I deeply recommend you read if you haven’t.
So if you’ve recently read a book that made you turn on all the lights in the house or made you look up from reading while you shifted your eyes, in surveillance of anything ghost-like in the room….let me know.