• Even The Search For Bigfoot Has its Slow Moments

    Even The Search For Bigfoot Has its Slow Moments1

    • May 13, 2012

    Every Conference has its nodding moments. There were a solid dozen presentations at the Primal People’s Conference and I wish I could say all of them were fascinating, engaging, or offered something new to the study. Sadly they did not. But they are still worth mentioning for one reason or another, so rather than give

  • Primal People, That is to Say, Bigfoot.

    Primal People, That is to Say, Bigfoot.9

    • May 10, 2012

    I guess that is the new politically correct way of discussing Bigfoot/Sasquatch, etc. now. Well, it is long past time that our hairy cousin got a makeover, a re-imaging and possibly his own reality TV show. I would include “Finding Bigfoot” but there are few things less real than that. Anyway, here I am freshly

  • Voynich Manuscript Celebrates 100 years

    Voynich Manuscript Celebrates 100 years10

    • May 7, 2012

      The Voynich Manuscript. Known was the world’s most mysterious manuscript, This old journal has been dated to the early 15th century. The author(s) of the Voynich Manuscript are unknown, just like the language it was written in. The 240 or so pages of the manuscript contain unknown plant species documented in an unknown language.

  • Alien Visitors, Are “They” US?

    Alien Visitors, Are “They” US?12

    • May 2, 2012

    Steven Hawking once threw a party for time travellers, he made the announcement public so that it could be found by any future historians who might live in a world when technology allows travel back in time. No one showed up. Possibly they got the date wrong. It happens. Time Travel isn’t exactly easy you

  • Bigfoot vs Grizzly Bear

    Bigfoot vs Grizzly Bear9

    • May 2, 2012

    One natural contender for the cause of Bigfoot sightings is the Grizzly bear. What happens when you see both at pretty much the same time? I would like to thank Shawn over at Bigfoot Evidence Blogspot for permission to bring you this article Bigfoot Alaska: Bear Encounters Bigfoot And One Story About Inverted Trees Editor’s

  • Poltergeist Writing Death Threats To Homeowner

    Poltergeist Writing Death Threats To Homeowner13

    • May 1, 2012

    This strange news report comes from Rotherham England. Angela Casswell claims that she has been tormented by a poltergeist who has been making death threats. Angela has found several messages drawn on frosted up windows in the past few weeks. According to this report, a message read “You dead soon” followed by another macabre message:

  • Seattle Attorney Claims Government Sent Him On Time Travel Missions

    Seattle Attorney Claims Government Sent Him On Time Travel Missions19

    • April 30, 2012

    Andrew Basiago is a Seattle attorney that claims to have been involved in a government project that was testing the effects of time travel on children and adults. According to Basiago, Project Pegasus was the name of the teleportation and time travel project and it was being tested by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

  • Vandalism of Saturn! The Neighbors Are Getting Rowdy

    Vandalism of Saturn! The Neighbors Are Getting Rowdy6

    • April 28, 2012

    For me, no planet invites more wonder or stirs the imagination like Saturn. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so have have no interest in exploring Venus and its perpetually overcast skies. I get enough of that at home. Mars has been the subject of so much literature and sci fi, both bad and good,

  • Chilly Weather, With An Increased Chance of Witch Trials.

    Chilly Weather, With An Increased Chance of Witch Trials.6

    • April 26, 2012

    Luckily for the Wiccanly inclined Global warming is on its way! I guess there really is always a silver lining. Of course as flooding and drought start to increase they are likely to get blamed for that too. Some people just can’t catch a break. Did Cold Weather Cause the Salem Witch Trials? Natalie Wolchover,

  • Industrial Drilling Creating Earthquakes

    Industrial Drilling Creating Earthquakes4

    • April 24, 2012

      A big thanks goes out to The Oshmar for sending us this interesting report. According to the U.S. Department of Interior,  the increase in seismic activity can be traced down to industrial drilling. There appears to be a link between an increase in earthquakes around locations in where deep drilling is being done, but

  • Mystery Hum In Canada Originating From U.S.

    Mystery Hum In Canada Originating From U.S.5

    • April 23, 2012

    At last! Some information has been presented in regards to the mysterious hum that has been heard all over Windsor Canada. The hum has been described as a low-frequency rumbling type of noise and it has plagued hundreds of residents in the Windsor area. The Canadian Broadcasting corporation reported that the mystery hum is originating

  • Friday Video: The Healing Power Of Chi

    Friday Video: The Healing Power Of Chi6

    • April 20, 2012

    Thanks to “The Oshmar” for the heads up! “Dynamo Jack” is a Javanese acupuncturist that managed to raise the eyebrows of the scientific community. DJ, as he is called, has the uncanny ability to use his powers of heavy meditation, which according to him is all about separating the Ying and Yang powers of Chi.