• Commercial Pilot Reports UFO At Kansas City International Airport

    Commercial Pilot Reports UFO At Kansas City International Airport5

    • August 2, 2012

    At 30,000 feet above sea level it is almost a fact that your perception of distance, depth, and size will be compromised. Up there, there are virtually no points of reference. However, this only applies to us passengers who sit and stare out the small oval windows. For a pilot, the high-tech instrumentation and training

  • The 70,000 Year Itch

    The 70,000 Year Itch5

    • August 1, 2012

    Forget “The Bachelor” or “The Dating Game” there is a whole new game in town, or a really, really…really old one. Studies of remains found across the world have given us reason to believe the while Cro-Magnons (modern humans) and Neanderthals populated parts of the planet side by side, they may also have. shall, we

  • The Deadly Black Blob Of Venezuela

    The Deadly Black Blob Of Venezuela17

    • July 30, 2012

    Like any other road on any other highway, the Venezuelan highway system is plagued with potholes, animal crossings, and the proverbial dead man’s turn. However something else lurks in the Venezuelan roads and it has taken the lives of 1,800 motorists within the past five years. What this something is remains a mystery to the

  • The Street Of The Dead

    The Street Of The Dead8

    • July 29, 2012

    Cars, that is. YONKERS, N.Y. – A mystery force field that blocks wireless car keys from working has Yonkers Avenue business owners, residents and even the police commissioner stumped. Drivers were left wondering what renders their keyless remotes useless on the block. Many have been left stranded, but when their cars were pushed or towed

  • Videos: Bet You Never Thought A Baby Could Be So Creepy10

    • July 28, 2012

    When I saw this story, I was thinking strictly from an analytical standpoint. Then I watched the first video and that creepy feeling began to take hold as my imagination saw this thing being born to a new mother. As the doctor hands over the new infant, tell me she wouldn’t freak the freak out?

  • In The Likely Event Of UFO Attack…

    In The Likely Event Of UFO Attack…6

    • July 27, 2012

    In the 1950’s when the worst threat we might encounter was mere nuclear annihilation at the hands of godless Communists during the Cold war, there was a plan enacted for our safety and Public Service Announcements like the following were commonplace, even played for children in schools. Okay, you didn’t actually need to watch the

  • Russian Firm Offers Immortality To Billionaires

    Russian Firm Offers Immortality To Billionaires9

    • July 26, 2012

    From Russia. An entrepreneur who runs the hi-tech research project known as “Avatar” has his goals set on selling immortality to those who can afford the high-ticket price. According to the the article from the DailyMail, Dmitry Itskov said in a recent interview that his research company has hired 30 scientists to help with the

  • Chupacabra’s Worst Nightmare…

    Chupacabra’s Worst Nightmare…10

    • July 24, 2012

    What’s a Chupacabra to do when he comes across Maryland’s Goat Man! Bearing a striking resemblance to Greek mythology’s Pan, this particular cryptid is branching out and has been seen, nay photographed in Utah’s Weber County. Little more than a blob squatch…goat…thing, there is something in the photograph. Sightings of the Goat Man have been

  • Ranger District Worker Talks About Bigfoot

    Ranger District Worker Talks About Bigfoot6

    • July 18, 2012

    Doug Jenkins is the spokesperson for the Naches Ranger Station and its district. He’s heard it all when it comes to the elusive, 7-foot-plus bipedal creature that has been long rumored to roam that valley. The following article from Sportsyakima.com mentions some of the reports that the ranger station has received throughout the years, and

  • “Frankenstein” Mummies In Scotland

    “Frankenstein” Mummies In Scotland2

    • July 11, 2012

      Thanks JP for the news tip! Two mummies were found in a bog in Scotland that are a mix-match of several human remains. That’s right, the two 3,000-year-old mummies that were unearthed contain various body parts from several individuals. I know what you’re thinking: Frankenstein’s monster is real? No, nothing like that. In actuality,

  • Know Your Secret Societies

    Know Your Secret Societies9

    • July 2, 2012

    From the very beginning of recorded history humanity has believed there were secrets, and that there are those among us whose privilege it is to know and protect those secrets. Call them Witch doctors, Shamans, Priests, They are the keepers of secrets and that which is hidden, even if it is they who are hiding

  • 11 Year Old Girl A Real Life Firestarter?6

    • July 2, 2012

    Photo Courtesy of Universal Studios One thing that many of us can agree on is that some countries hold onto superstitions, especially the pockets of less educated people. However, in this case we could have a genuine phenomena and this one hasn’t been thought up by Stephen King. To quickly review: Stephen King wrote a