• Yeren Expedition On Its Way.

    Yeren Expedition On Its Way.4

    • July 6, 2012

    Is China taking the lead in Crypto-Zoology research? Well, no probably not, but there is a growing awareness of the dangers if industrialisation in China and the hazards that poses to its wildernesses and its wildlife, and the environment in general. The first step to preserve an environment is to study it and its inhabitants

  • Know Your Secret Societies

    Know Your Secret Societies9

    • July 2, 2012

    From the very beginning of recorded history humanity has believed there were secrets, and that there are those among us whose privilege it is to know and protect those secrets. Call them Witch doctors, Shamans, Priests, They are the keepers of secrets and that which is hidden, even if it is they who are hiding

  • Nessie Is Real, This I Know…

    Nessie Is Real, This I Know…46

    • June 26, 2012

    Because the Christian Fundamentalists tell me so. Christian Fundamentalists Teach US Children Loch Ness Monster Is Real To Disprove Evolution The Huffington Post UK By Lucy Sherriff Posted: 25/06/2012 12:26 Updated: 25/06/2012 13:57 Christianity, Evolution, Loch Ness Monster, Evangelicals, Religion, Theory Of Evolution, Uk News, UK Education News A state in America is paying for

  • We Fear Aliens

    We Fear Aliens0

    • June 25, 2012

    At one time we were all relatively small monkey people (that is to say if you believe in evolution) just starting to wander away from the safety of the trees. We learned to walk upright because it gave us a better view of the surroundings and more warning of the approach of a predator, in

  • When First Meeting An Alien…

    When First Meeting An Alien…10

    • June 22, 2012

    On these warm summer days… You are driving home late one night along a lonely country road when suddenly you see a light across a field. The first thought that naturally comes to you is that Earth is being visited by a highly intelligent, extraterrestrial species that journeyed across unfathomable distances to investigate other intelligent

  • Kentucky Goblin Sighting

    Kentucky Goblin Sighting19

    • June 20, 2012

    Also known as the Hopkinsville Goblin is leaving footprints in rural Kentucky mining country. The claim is that an extra terrestrial is living in an abandoned mine. It has always bothered me that sightings of ETs so often describe them as seeming naked, and that in this case we have bare footprints. But hey, I

  • Angels and Demons and Aliens, Oh  My!

    Angels and Demons and Aliens, Oh My!24

    • June 15, 2012

    Arthur C Clarke wrote: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Does that apply to the actions of supposed divine powers as well? William of Ockham postulated the principle urging one to select from among competing hypotheses that which makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the effect. One of

  • Only You Can Prevent A Plague of Vampyres…

    Only You Can Prevent A Plague of Vampyres…13

    • June 14, 2012

    A good thing we are finding them now before the fast approaching Zombie Apocalypse manifests. From Yahoo News Another ‘Vampire’ skeleton unearthed in Bulgaria In this Sunday, June 3, 2012 photo showing a piece of iron next to skeleton dated back in the Middle Ages, at the archeological site in the Black sea town of

  • How To: Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory

    How To: Build Your Own Conspiracy Theory13

    • June 12, 2012

    Currently in my life I work to pay my bills as a carpenter. I work for a high end custom home company that specializes in earthquake proof residential construction. We are one of the only companies in the country with this speciality working on the seventh project of its kind in the US and the

  • The Days To Come, A Brave New World.

    The Days To Come, A Brave New World.5

    • June 8, 2012

    In keeping with the top story of the day, the Baltic Mystery Object and the debate it has spurred, what can we suspect in the coming days? From UFO Digest UFO’s, ET’s, Grey’s, Reptilian’s and Agenda’s. The Strange Roller Coaster of Fear and a Quest for Truth! By dmondeo Piecing together the UFO and ET

  • Cryptids In Your Own Back Yard

    Cryptids In Your Own Back Yard10

    • June 7, 2012

    I found this story by from my old stomping grounds in Pennsylvania. No stranger to cryptids, Pennsylvania has been host to Thunderbird sightings, in close proximity to the Jersey Devil, the Broad Top Serpents, the Lake Erie sea monster named Bessie, numerous black panther sightings (thought extinct regionally) and many others. Thanks to Lon Strickler

  • Women As Victims In Alien Abductions

    Women As Victims In Alien Abductions8

    • June 5, 2012

    In the search to bring you new and interesting items in the Paranormal News, I recently read an analysis of UFO abductions and other paranormal events and how these are dividing in nature, or at least perception, along gender lines. The conclusion was that among men UFOs are a matter of conspiracies, pursuits, and crashes