• Arch Beach Tavern Haunted According To Residents

    Arch Beach Tavern Haunted According To Residents4

    • October 12, 2011

    Built in 1915, the Arch Beach Tavern in Laguna Beach California is said to be the home of a few spirits and a phantom dog. Shadows, little girl ghost and sounds of digging and growling can be heard throughout the property. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Source: –

  • Cheap Rental Turns Into Nightmare

    Cheap Rental Turns Into Nightmare11

    • September 21, 2011

    As I often enjoy reading Jason Offutt, I happened by there today. It would seem that due to the decline of print news, Jason’s blog/column has been dropped from the newspaper it was being printed in. While Jason isn’t asking for donations, there is a donate button over at his “From the Shadows” blog. What

  • The REAL Entity Case

    The REAL Entity Case27

    • August 6, 2011

    The following is a two part article in which Dr. Barry Taff and myself wrote with fresh insight from his original investigation of the case in 1974 and some new information that will be available in my upcoming book. This is an update to the Doris Bither story , or as it’s more commonly known,

  • Friday Video: Did Someone say Don Knotts?11

    • April 15, 2011

    (VIDEOS ARE DOWN) Well it’s Friday again! For you youngsters out there it couldn’t have come too soon. For us old timers it seems like yesterday was Monday….in February….2010! Yes, the older we get the faster the time goes. It seems even the bad days streak by but it is Friday, the most poopular day

  • ‘American Idol’ Singers Flee Haunted Mansion9

    • March 24, 2011

    Not that I care about American Idol or reality television and the pseudo-celebrities it spawns, but I figured this might be of interest to some. According to the celebrity news site TMZ, the current finalist of the singing competition demanded that they’d be transferred to a different location since there was some paranormal occurrences in the

  • Enjoy GhostTheory? Donate To Literacy!4

    • February 25, 2011

    Dear Readers, Although I never ask for any monetary assistance in keeping this wonderful website running, I will ask that you please consider helping those who desperately need your help. More than 2 million Latinos in the United States struggle with literacy in their native language. This means that they cannot hold positions of higher

  • Are these Shadow People or Just a Prank?13

    • October 15, 2010

    Randomgal over at Unexplained Mysteries has posted some interesting pictures. According to one of the other tenants in her building who is heavy into paranormal there are nine demons in the apartment house. The first thing I thought of  when I saw the pics was Shadow Man/Person. I have to admit, fake or not, they

  • Grim Sleeper: L.A.’s Notorious Serial Killer Caught2

    • July 8, 2010

    Yesterday I got a call from my brother (future policeman) telling me that the ‘Grim Sleeper’ had been caught. He found out from a friend of ours who is a detective at the LAPD. I couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying since I was watching the World Cup game at the time and

  • Would You Live In A ‘Murder House’ ?19

    • June 19, 2010

    If you ask people, most would think twice about living in a place in which a murder took place. Especially if it was a gruesome one. Some, pay no mind to their home’s horrid history and believe that what was the past, stays in the past. Unless you’re talking about ghosts. I myself would feel

  • Devil Worship, Serial Killer and Friday Video3

    • February 19, 2010

    Last night my girlfriend and I watched this movie called ‘The house of the Devil‘. Now let me start off by saying that most of the reviews that were given to this movie are unfair. Most people rated this movie in Netflix as being “too long and drawn out..” “Not a lot of action” “..Scary

  • Speaking of the dead…0

    • October 27, 2009

    As you all know Ghosttheory.com was invited to come speak at the Haunted Speakeasy hosted by Smartgals.org and Creepyla.com. Since this was our first public talk for both Javier and I, we were a bit nervous. Even though the crowd was around 40 or so in attendance. Just knowing that you’re actually going to be

  • GhostTheory talk: Explaining the paranormal2

    • September 24, 2009

    I’m extremely proud to say that we will be giving a talk in regards to the paranormal and possible scientific explanations. Not pseudo-science, actual science. We have been asked to give a lecture on the paranormal by the ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) of Los Angeles. This ARCS group supports 7 universities for scholarships