Sirius UFO Documentary: Sirius-ly Bad
- Headline, Paranormal, Research & Science, Review: TV/Movie, UFOs, Videos
- April 24, 2013
Hybridization is just all over the news recently with the debate over Ketchum’s work in decyphering if she has Big Foot DNA, or just contaminated possum samples, a recent story on the possibility (if not very likely) that humanity came about as the result of a pig/monkey hybrid, and now a discovery in Northern Italy
READ MORERoughly forty years ago, poor apiary management at a research facility in Brazil released Africanized bees to the wild in South America. A topic of numerous attempts at horror movies, and television miniseries, the Africanized bees have been slowly making their way north to finally, officially enter the United States in the early 1990’s. Some
READ MOREA Canadian Not-newspaper called “The Sage” demonstrates its creativity in not only choosing a name that sets it well apart from “The Onion” but in hoaxing the crypto-zoology field with this story posted recently: Alberta: Bow Valley flooding exposes rotting carcass of a Sasquatch. Legendary Cryptid believed to be a surviving Gigantopithecus by Brian K.
READ MORERecently a video came out from Sasquatch Ontario. In this video we are shown several photos of eyes that are being pushed as that of Bigfoot. While I’m always open to the possibilities of Sasquatch, I have a problem with these pictures and in the vein of of whatever vein I’m thinking, I felt it
READ MOREThis goes beyond even the idea of a giant octopus once having lived in the ancient oceans. This creature, if it existed may have been intelligent enough to describe itself to us. From an article at Giant Kraken Lair Discovered For Immediate Release Boulder, CO, USA – Long before whales, the oceans of Earth
READ MOREIn the files of crytozoology there are many supposed cases of remnants of dinosaurs surviving to the present. Nessie and all of her lake monster sisters, Mokolo Mbembe in Africa, pterosaur sightings that some attribute to the Thunderbird, and a slew of recent sightings in New Guinea. Among the “evidence” used to support the survival
READ MOREWell folks, we knew there was a logical explanation for this and darned if we weren’t right. Well, some of us, the rest of you are just Puppy-brothers. On Tuesday, I was pressed for time and had to make a quick choice. I felt the cloud videos in my article “Unnatural Erratic Cloud Movement Or
READ MOREAlways on the lookout for creditable stories about fringe science and ideas, this particular item caught my eye. There has been a lot of debate over the merits of Melba Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA Study, specifically regarding the idea that the creature is a human hybridized with an as yet unknown primate. This result raised more
READ MOREI spent some rare searching time over at liveleak and found something that is particularly mind blowing. While I would think there is a logical explanation for this phenomena, I have yet to come up with an answer. Watch below as a cloud formation moves erratically in fractions of seconds: I did some snooping on
READ MOREThe human brain is very much like a computer. A computer is very much like a clock. Or a series of clocks that are coordinated to keep things happening in order. What happens when the clockwork gets a little bit offset? From an article in The New Scientist. First man to hear people before they
READ MOREWe have posted some of the findings of Scott Waring, who it seems is obsessed with exploring the surface of Mars via Google Mars. I have found most of his analysis to be pretty explicable as natural features, but then if there was ever life in Mars it was a long time ago and what
READ MOREI am not usually one to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon. Heck I have even told people they were foolish to believe there was CAUSE for a conspiracy cover-up when it comes to Bigfoot. In pursuit of continued and corroborating Peer review of her findings, Melba Ketchum seems to be running into one roadblock after