• Gold chain wearing goats, self immolation and common sense

    Gold chain wearing goats, self immolation and common sense0

    • May 16, 2009

    Scapegoat. Pun intended A very well written article by Camille Bethel from Trinidad Express, in which she writes about a small town in Trinidad where local hysteria, religion and good old fashioned psychology play a role in the deep believes that a gold chain wearing goat was commanding people to kill themselves. Good story for

  • Haunted Peacock Inn0

    • May 15, 2009

    Spirits and phantom cats roam the Inn according to a local researcher Amidst the rich wood paneling and the floral wallpaper at Chaska’s Peacock Inn, some say a man sits quietly in a cream upholstered chair on the landing of the stairs. And though many pass by him each day, few notice his presence. Kathy

  • When Reality TV mixes with a possible haunting4

    • May 14, 2009

    When bad reality TV mixes up with the paranormal There is a television show on TZ Azteca (Mexico’s largest television network) called “Extra Normal”. It’s a 30 minute report on local haunts. I’ve seen one full episode awhile ago while surfing TV and thought that it was a horrible paranormal show. A poor attempt for

  • Fire in ‘haunted’ hotel room0

    • May 13, 2009

    Haunted George Hotel A fire broke out in a “haunted” hotel where a woman was killed by a blaze in the 17th century. The woman, known as Mary, is said to have been a former landlady of the hotel. Having died of smoke inhalation, it is said that at times the spirit steals lighters and

  • Zombie portraits – “Happy Anniversary Honey!”0

    • May 12, 2009

    Check out this really cool thing Rob Sacchetto is doing over at ZombiePortraits.com The concept is really simple, yet the coolest thing ever! Well, I think so anyways. Submit your picture, pay $80 and get a portrait of yourself as a zombie. The portraits are all hand drawn and colored For $80 a piece you

  • Paranormal Cops? wtf20

    • May 12, 2009

    Bridgeport Police Officer Jim Myers, front center, poses with other members of the East Coast Paranormal Police as Rob Johnson, of Pangolin Pictures, films them for the opening scene of a documentary being shot Monday at the Palace Theater in Bridgeport. Oh no! Another paranormal reality show being pitched. This is kind of sad. These

  • “I’m sorry, lady, but you need a therapist, not a priest.”0

    • May 11, 2009

    Clark Valentine, owner of The Pfeiffer House, describes some of the mysterious activity that has occurred at the century-old downtown home. Paranormal researchers also observed unexplained phenomena. Apparitions of small children, pianos playing by their own accord and ghostly lights are all part of this report. The Indiana Paranormal Research Society talk about the equipment

  • New Zealand’s ghost images. Pareidolia and residual haunting theory4

    • May 10, 2009

    New Zealand hosted a competition in which hundreds of pictures were submitted from all over the country to a panel of judges. The point of the competition was to find out what the most convincing image of the supernatural was. The majority of entries consisted of orbs (dust, moisture in the air) and light anomalies

  • Haunted Cordelia saloon1

    • May 8, 2009

    Photo of a supposed little girl in the window May 6, 2009 CORDELIA – Do you believe in ghosts, spirits trapped for in a place that they can’t seem to leave? Well, if you’re not a believer, you may change your mind after a visit to a Cordelia saloon, built in 1902, that many say

  • The ghosts of Sacramento – Coloma Community Center0

    • May 7, 2009

    Gold Rush Ghosts Paranormal investigated reports of the supernatural kind in one of Sacramento’s (California) Community center. Apparitions of children and adult ghosts along with ghostly voices were of the norm in this Community center. The witnesses to these events did not want any paranormal investigative group to come in and bring a media circus

  • Londonist goes on a ‘ghost tour’0

    • May 7, 2009

    furnishings in the “haunted” London’s east-end school A Londonist writer spent a night at a supposed haunted school to see if the claims of the haunting were true. Fright Nights organized a London “Ghost Week” in which haunted tours and overnight stays in a haunted location was the main attraction. To no surprise the night

  • Psychic Patricia Putt took the Randi challenge….and failed3

    • May 6, 2009

    Patricia Putt I received an email from our dear friend Daniel over at Leinster Paranormal about a new James Randi challenge happening today. The famous psychic Patricia Putt opted to take on the 1 million dollar challenge. As many of you might know, the Randi organization has a long standing challenge going on; 1 million