• Donna Lacroix Talks: Secrets Behind Ghost Hunters88

    • November 16, 2009

    I will admit that when the first few shows of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters came out, I was enthralled. I saw the team as an honest set of folks who were out there to prove that most of claims that people were making of the paranormal, were explained by science. Their early episodes showed the team

  • Sterling Opera House: No Ghosts There12

    • November 16, 2009

    Wow…is it me or does it seem like the press is really scrounging around for news lately? Check out this news report about a “haunted” opera house in which Rich DiCarlo, Valley Arts Council, claims that he snapped a photograph of a woman in a Victorian-era dress. Not to say that they are imagining things

  • Wisconsin: Man-Wolf sightings53

    • November 15, 2009

    What the hell is going on in Wisconsin? You all know how skeptical we here at GhostTheory are. Sometimes we even come off as being too tough on people. For example take the case with “Extreme Paranormal“. The reason why is because in this field, criticism and misconceptions are harsh. It only takes a pair

  • Here Come The Werewolves…5

    • November 14, 2009

    Every few years there’s an ever changing fad in Hollywood. Whether the fad is on dystopian stories, Sci-fi, dogs or the most recent, Vampires; we always see the trickle-down effect. It starts in the most impressionable of sources. Books. For example for the last few years there has been countless books on Vampires churned out

  • Friday Video: The Livingston Incident -UFO Encounter1

    • November 13, 2009

    West Lothian, Scotland I wasn’t familiar with the infamous Scottish UFO report dubbed the “Livingston Incident” until sometime early last year. This week marked the 30 year anniversary of the case. If you are not familiar with the 1979 case, let me quickly summarize it. On November 9th, 1979 forester Robert Taylor encountered a metallic

  • A Ghost’s Face In The Bathroom?20

    • November 12, 2009

    Stephen Wagner’s Paranormal section in About.com is a fairly well known website. Search for “paranormal” in Google and Stephen’s site comes up first. So there’s no surprise at the volumes of personal stories that are sent to him every now and then. Some subtle, others very vivid and detailed. A reader who goes by “Melissa”,

  • Skeleton Found In 100-Year-Old Mansion’s Walls12

    • November 10, 2009

    This is really bizarre and intriguing. A paranormal investigative team recently visited the resort and recorded an eerie EVP. The ghostly voice said “Help me. I’m stuck inside of this wall!” I usually dismiss EVPs, since they are not really that clear and there could be a myriad of reasons why EVPs are heard. For

  • Help Get ‘Extreme Paranormal’ Off The Networks50

    • November 10, 2009

    If you have not read my review of the show, please do so. After I talked about the show’s premiere episode I did not want to mention the show again and give anymore publicity to the show. I recently read about an online petition that is going around that seeks to to get the producers

  • Babinda Boulders’ ghost? Where?12

    • November 10, 2009

    Can someone help me out here and tell me where this “ghost face” is supposed to be? These type of images are annoyingly abundant all over the web. The type where the person who took the picture will find a random pattern and recognize it as a face (pareidolia). Full source: Cairns.com.au A MELBOURNE tourist

  • Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Full Movie from Crackle/YouTube2

    • November 9, 2009

    Tonight is your last chance to watch “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” on YouTube, and your only chance to watch it with other vampire lovers from around the United States.Just in case any loved Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula as much as I did, Crackle & YouTube are featuring the full movie today. Youtube: Tonight is

  • Mystery Lights – A Personal Story6

    • November 8, 2009

    Are you familiar with the Brown Mountain lights? Are you familiar with the infamous Marfa lights? Do you know that there exists reports of spontaneous fires breaking out in the middle of nowhere, but only to appear as bonfires and disappearing within minutes?  You’re probably reading this and saying something clever like: “It’s called methane

  • Friday Video: The Exorcist -Story Behind The Book3

    • November 6, 2009

    Many have read the book and seen the movie, but how many know about the story, which was reported by the papers, that inspired William Blatty to write the famous book “The Exorcist” ? Possession is a controversial subject. I have mixed feelings about possession. It’s one of those things that you really have to