• 17th Century ‘Witch Trial Diary’ Goes Up Online.3

    • March 9, 2011

    Alright History buffs, this one is for you. If you have time to spare or just want some nighttime reading material for your macabre interests, then head on over to ChiccManchester where you can view, free of charge, a full length notebook that describes the horrendous trials of some of the women who were convicted

  • ‘Ghost’ Of Former Landlady Caught On Camera15

    • March 8, 2011

    The Forest Paranormal Investigations team (FPI) claims to have captured evidence of a ghost. The spirit is said to be of a former landlady Margaret Gunter, who ran a pub in the late 1800s. The video evidence is supposed to show what the FPI team thinks is the face of Margaret Gunter. Although the FPI

  • Euthanized Puppy Rises From ‘dead’7

    • March 4, 2011

    No, it’s not a zombie puppy. So don’t worry about an outbreak of zombie dogs. This is actually about a Near Death Experience (NDE) from a dog. The puppy, Wall-E, had gone through the process of euthanasia and was examined and pronounced dead. Along with other dogs, they were placed in a trash bin. I

  • Cracked Mayan Code Points to 8 Ton Treasure18

    • March 4, 2011

    Joachim Rittsteig, author and expert in Mayan writing, is leading a group of scientists and journalists to the depths of a Guatemalan lake. It is there, that Rittsteig claims, lays 2,156 gold tablets in the ruins of the ancient city Atlan. Which is said to have sunk during an earthquake on October 30th, 666 BC.

  • Couple Kicked Out From Home By Ghosts15

    • February 28, 2011

    According to couple Jean Marc Mariole & wife Charlotte, they’ve been tormented by strange poltergeist activity ever since moving in to their new hone in Cheshire, UK. The activity has gotten to a point where it’s gone from a nuisance to completely terrifying. After spending most of their savings remodeling and furnishing their new home,

  • Poltergeist Caught On Tape17

    • February 23, 2011

    Interestingly enough, some of the best videos regarding the paranormal aren’t the ones with elaborate documentaries or reports attached to them. When people report poltergeist activity, the report usually consists of noises, bumps in the night, objects being moved around and possible voices. When I see videos of objects being thrown about in someone’s home,

  • ‘Gawd Bless America’: Documentary Debunks Paranormal7

    • February 20, 2011

    Well…sort of. ‘Gawd Bless America’ is a upcoming documentary that shows the fraudulent side of the paranormal. Whether it’s new age healers promoting some cure or fake crop circles that form a big ‘up yours’, the film is presented as a debunking documentary of some of the frauds and chicaneries in the paranormal. Looks hilarious

  • 13th Century Castle For Sale, Built By Goblins9

    • February 16, 2011

    A 321 acre property in Scotland is up for sale. The property also comes with the ruins of a 13th century castle as well as an underground chamber from the same era. What’s so spooky (or interesting) about this? Well, according to legend, the underground chamber was built by Sir Hugo de Giffard. A black

  • Travel Channel: Ghostly Lovers8

    • February 14, 2011

    You know, I used to read stories that involved a succubus or incubus and I always rolled my eyes. Then I became a little more “learned” and figured that these claims of spectral intercourse (for lack of a better term) could be attributed to sleep paralysis or could be the result of a hypnagogic experience.

  • Friday Video: “Most Evil – Cult Leaders”

    Friday Video: “Most Evil – Cult Leaders”243

    • February 11, 2011

    Uhm…hi. Sorry guys. Today’s “Friday Video” has been delayed. Last night my girlfriend and I decided to take a trip up to San Francisco and visit family, so I spent much of my time on the road. But….here we are and I have this good documentary on cult leaders that I watched the other day.

  • Ex MUFON Director Questions ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ Claims18

    • February 10, 2011

    Ah the good ol’ ‘Skinwalker Ranch’. A fascinating story and fascinating read. I must confess that when I first started reading about the ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ my mind was blown. Of course, I was younger and the story was so sensational–what with claims of werewolf-like creatures, portals to other dimensions, tall demon-like beasts and scientists researching

  • Asteroid Nears Earth Today, As Bigger One Approaches In 25 years10

    • February 9, 2011

    Today, asteroid 2011 CA7 is said to zoom past Earth at over 64,300 feet. The 9.5 foot rock will barely miss us –by universe standards– as it hurls across our solar system. Last Friday, asteriod 2011 CQ 1 passed Earth at over 3,400 feet. four feet wide, 2011 CQ 1 was small enough to probably