• Haunted Battersea: Stories of a Poltergeist

    Haunted Battersea: Stories of a Poltergeist4

    • September 20, 2014

    If you were driving through south London’s Battersea borough you would miss them. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder, brick to brick, are the houses on the Eland and Wycliffe Road . As they stand and once stood. Two quintessential south London two-story brick and mortar affair. However unlike many of their neighbors, both of these houses in Battersea harbor a

  • Jack The Ripper Solved!  ?

    Jack The Ripper Solved! ?16

    • September 7, 2014

    Among the more romantic suspects, and those which appeal to peoples need to believe in grand conspiracies were Prince Albert Victor, heir to the British throne and Lewis Carroll, author of “Alice in Wonderland.” Some theories considered a woman as the culprit, then there was a man only known as The Lodger, popularized in an

  • Mysterious Giant Hole Appears In Siberia

    Mysterious Giant Hole Appears In Siberia14

    • July 16, 2014

    Reports are fuzzy, but they’re coming in from around the internet that a large mysterious hole suddenly appeared in the northern area of Siberia. It’s estimated that the hole is around 262 feet across and that its crater shows signs of scorched earth. Discovered by oil workers on a routine helicopter flight, the hole has

  • Alien Conspiracy Unveiled

    Alien Conspiracy Unveiled8

    • June 30, 2014

    According to information in an article by Derek Thompson at The Atlantic Monthly, alien visitors have been exploiting us for decades. Making use of human weaknesses to carry out their insidious deeds right under our noses, in a manner guaranteed to not only sow doubt upon those who report their presence, but to cause serious

  • The Antikythera Mechanism, And Early Technology

    The Antikythera Mechanism, And Early Technology12

    • June 23, 2014

    So, one of our faithful followers called me to task not long ago. RednGreen had this comment on an article about an OOPArt or Out Of Place Artifact called the Nampa Figurine because I opened the article with a bit about the Antikythera Mechanism, but did not elaborate. So… what about the Antikythera mechanism? If

  • OOPART: The Nampa Figurine

    OOPART: The Nampa Figurine3

    • June 11, 2014

    I say it again. OOPArt.  For those wondering, no I am not losing it and making up words. Not yet. The acronym OOPArt stands for Out Of Place Artifacts and refers to a class of objects that would seemingly prove mankind existed long before our current understanding would support, often that humans had technology sometimes

  • Russian Yeti and the Incident at Dyatlov Pass

    Russian Yeti and the Incident at Dyatlov Pass47

    • June 8, 2014

    The Discovery Channel’s latest show “Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives”, that premiered this Sunday has raised quite a spark, leaving people to wonder once again, who killed the 8 men and 2 women on the skiing expedition to Gora Otorten through the chilling Dyatlov Pass…

  • YOGTZE: The Unsolved Murder of Gunther Stroll

    YOGTZE: The Unsolved Murder of Gunther Stroll12

    • June 3, 2014

      The following article comes to us from GhostTheory’s long time reader Prince Petropia. Prince runs the paranormal website AllAboutOccult.com and is a regular contributor to several other online news sites. In his article, Prince rehashes Germany’s infamous YOGTZE murder case. A mysterious death near the German Autobahn that has baffled people since the early 80s. On a

  • Live Bigfoot Capture

    Live Bigfoot Capture10

    • June 3, 2014

    In press not unlike that surrounding the presentation of King Kong, New York City’s Tiny Top Circus offers up the opportunity to see, live and in person, Bigfoot. All Children must be accompanied by an adult. People with serious Medical conditions should proceed at their own risk. We are not responsible for serious psychological conditions

  • Aussie Report Of Near Collision With UFO: Updated with a question

    Aussie Report Of Near Collision With UFO: Updated with a question4

    • May 28, 2014

    There seems to be a recent increase in UFO sightings around the world, and one interesting one from Down Under. The Australian Transportation Safety Board has the following report. Near collision between an unknown object and De Havilland DHC-8, VH-XFX, Perth Airport, Western Australia on 19 March 2014 Investigation number: AO-2014-052 On 19 March 2014,

  • South Atlantic Anomaly: The Bermuda Triangle Of Space

    South Atlantic Anomaly: The Bermuda Triangle Of Space6

    • May 28, 2014

    The fabled Bermuda Triangle. A strange triangulation between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico in which people have reported anomalous  phenomena for centuries. Airplanes and ships have vanished while traversing the so-called Devil’s triangle and have never been found. Well, at least not most of them. There have been reports of strange lights and bizarre effects

  • Bob Lazar 25 Years Later

    Bob Lazar 25 Years Later9

    • May 15, 2014

      He really has nothing more to say than he ever has, except for a little bit of back peddling. Even compulsive conspiracy believer Stanton Friedman can’t get behind Lazar. I am not certain whether that discredits Lazar, or stems from Friedman being jealous of someone who might really know what is going on, but