• Amazing Psychic

    Amazing Psychic0

    • February 8, 2013

    There are many things in this world we cannot explain. Then there are some we can explain and still do not understand. Here is one psychic who invites strangers literally off the street to have him tell them their deepest secrets. People see what they want to see. Where are your secrets kept? Dave is

  • Joan’s Story

    Joan’s Story2

    • February 8, 2013

    So you have read Joan’s (psueudonym) story about the antique trunk she bought for her husband? You have, haven’t you? If you have not, go back and read it now. Haunted Trunk So in that story the issue was raised about if a paranormal experience might have a focus of an inanimate object, or if

  • Haunted Trunk

    Haunted Trunk9

    • February 7, 2013

    Our Readers Write Scott recently posted an invitation to our readers to send us their stories, and I should add, do not wait for an invitation, send us your stories! One of our respondents has offered up some terrifying events from her life. Having lived through these events has taken a toll and she wishes

  • ‘Black Dahlia’ Murder About To Be Solved?

    ‘Black Dahlia’ Murder About To Be Solved?4

    • February 5, 2013

      Buster, a 9-year-old black Lab who has extensive experience as a cadaver sniffing dog is on the case of the century. If the DNA samples confirm it, he could have helped solve the infamous Black Dahlia murder. The eccentric Dr. George Hodel has always been a suspect in the gruesome killing of Elizabeth Short,

  • Walking Dead?

    Walking Dead?5

    • February 3, 2013

    Steven King’s “The Stand” “The Andromeda Strain” “12 Monkeys” “V For Vendetta” “The Last Man On Earth” (Remade starring Charlton Heston as “Omega Man” and remade once more with Will Smith as “I Am Legend”) Are we finding a theme to these movies and the books to which they relate? Recognizing the fine line between

  • The Council Of Nine

    The Council Of Nine3

    • January 31, 2013

    This is not an essay specifically about conspiracy theory, or religion or the overlap of the two; Politics. Nope, we are hear to examine the Unexplained. Okay, you can stop laughing. We are here to examine the unexplained that goes beyond what we can actually show exists, but first I need to delve into the

  • Goblin Beheading Goes Horribly Wrong

    Goblin Beheading Goes Horribly Wrong2

    • January 29, 2013

    People, I cannot urge you strongly enough; Spay and neuter your goblins if you are going to keep them as pets. If they grow too troublesome to keep at home please take them to your local Humane Society office rather than just dropping them off by the side of the road in an empty Mealie

  • ‘House of Doom’: 9 Occupants Die In 15 Years

    ‘House of Doom’: 9 Occupants Die In 15 Years3

    • January 29, 2013

    Following Scott’s haunted house lead from this morning, I ran into the following article from a Berlin news press. A large house in one of Berlin’s district is known as the ‘House of Doom’. For fifteen years, the old building has seen nine of its occupants die of unnatural causes. Suicides, murders, and decapitation is

  • Family Trying To Escape ‘Murder/Suicide House’7

    • January 29, 2013

    Imagine this scenario: Your spouse dies, so you decide to start a new life. To facilitate this plan, you pack up your kids and all your belongings, hop in the U-Haul and travel cross country to a lazy PA town where your future, close relatives and a beautiful home await you. Once settled into the

  • Grand Jury Wanted To Indict Ramsey Parents4

    • January 28, 2013

    I have reported on the JonBenet Ramsey murder before as it has always been of intense interest to me. It is a polarizing case that may never be solved, but occasionally something trickles out of the woodwork that brings this event right back into our consciousness. For those of you who have been on the

  • Windsor Hum

    Windsor Hum3

    • January 26, 2013

    Strange noises from unknown sources have been occurring world wide and we have been bringing in the reports here. Causes have been attributed to sources as esoteric as HAARP, as unlikely as singing fish, and as typical as hoaxed attempts to generate viral feedback for whatever JJ Abrams’ latest brain numbing blockbuster might be. Conspiracy