• Haunted UCLA: The Parapsychology Lab

    Haunted UCLA: The Parapsychology Lab0

    • June 5, 2015

    In his most recent interview conducted by UCLA Studio 22, Dr. Barry Taff takes us back to the golden days of what was once UCLA’s Parapsychology Lab. A place where like-minded researchers were free to explore realms like precognition, psychokinesis, and the poltergeist phenomena. Listen as Dr. Taff breaks down the real meaning of the

  • ‘Ariel School’ Alien Sighting: 20 years later

    ‘Ariel School’ Alien Sighting: 20 years later6

    • September 17, 2014

    Two decades ago something strange occurred in a remote elementary school in Ruwa, Zimbabwe.  Sixty two curious and frightened schoolchildren witnessed a silver object descend from the sky, onto the furthest part of the schoolyard. To their terror, a small humanoid creature appeared on top of the craft then quickly made its way around the weed-entangled

  • Bob Lazar 25 Years Later

    Bob Lazar 25 Years Later9

    • May 15, 2014

      He really has nothing more to say than he ever has, except for a little bit of back peddling. Even compulsive conspiracy believer Stanton Friedman can’t get behind Lazar. I am not certain whether that discredits Lazar, or stems from Friedman being jealous of someone who might really know what is going on, but

  • Deep Throat of UFOs8

    • April 23, 2014

    In this video a (presumed) dying man claims to have been involved in UFO investigations, cover-ups, and Eisenhower’s plan to “invade” Area 51, and throws some Men In Black in there for good measure. As we are given no evidence of this man’s credentials or condition to back up that this is an actual death

  • Former ISS Commander Opens Up About 2005 UFO Sighting

    Former ISS Commander Opens Up About 2005 UFO Sighting21

    • March 28, 2014

    Astronaut Leroy Chiao was on his last spacewalk mission after six and a half months as the commander of the International Space Station. He was accompanied by cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and were on a mission to install a few navigation antennas. As the pair floated 230 miles above the Earth Chiao spotted five bright lights

  • Astronauts And UFOs

    Astronauts And UFOs32

    • February 26, 2014

    Many people have reported seeing UFOs. But then there are many phenomena that the man or woman on the street are probably not familiar with that could be mistaken for what popular entertainment may suggest is an alien vehicle of some sort. By this time in the course of history, the data pool is far

  • Richard Hoover Martian Conspiracy

    Richard Hoover Martian Conspiracy4

    • February 24, 2014

    Not as revelatory as it might sound. Hoover is not claiming anything about a Reptilian conspiracy cover-up, or that Grays are hybridizing human clones in an X-Files style hidden laboratory filled (for some reason) with killer bees. But what he is claiming is disturbing enough, and he is one of a very few people in

  • Guided Bigfoot Expedition With Derek Randles

    Guided Bigfoot Expedition With Derek Randles7

    • February 23, 2014

    Well, if you have a little time on your hands this March 21st, and have always wanted to get into the woods and look for bigfoot yourself, or not by yourself but with a guided tour that also includes lessons in wilderness survival, gathering evidence and facing predators while hobnobbing with some of the big

  • Meet The Contributors

    Meet The Contributors0

    • February 4, 2014

    Lindsay and I will be interviewed Wednesday Feb 4th 2014 on ParaScience Journal with George Stadalski, on the Global Radio Alliance. The show starts at 9pm Eastern time, and we will be on about halfway through. George will be interviewing us live about Ghost Theory, and what we do. Parascience Journal is a weekly internet

  • Cops Talk About Their ‘Paranormal Calls’

    Cops Talk About Their ‘Paranormal Calls’13

    • January 24, 2014

    police poltergeist, police ghost, ghosts, paranormal, real ghost, police ghost stories, reddit paranormal

  • Meet The Contributors: Update

    Meet The Contributors: Update2

    • January 22, 2014

    Last minute change of schedule folks. We will be rescheduling for another show as George had an emergency. I will keep you updated and you will aslo see our new appearance time on Facebook   Xavier and I will be interviewed tonight, Jan 22nd 2014 on ParaScience Journal with George Stadalski, on the Global Radio

  • Paul Hellyer

    Paul Hellyer8

    • January 9, 2014

    Why do people listen to Paul Hellyer? Okay, he was an official of the Canadian government, even Minister of defense. But is he offering a single government document? OR does he just quote the popular media on the subject. I find the later to be the case, and yet he is practically revered for his


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