• Poop Powered Robots

    Poop Powered Robots4

    • February 13, 2012

    Yes, you read that right. There are some groups that are hard at work creating self-sufficient robots that power themselves by eating and digesting organic matter. Stuff like organic garbage, foliage, and even human feces. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been funding this “Eco-Bot” project and there are big plans for getting this

  • Scientists Reach Lake Vostok

    Scientists Reach Lake Vostok9

    • February 11, 2012

    After a decade of drilling through the thick ice cap, Russian scientists have finally bore a hole deep enough to reach the underground lake that time forgot. Lake Vostok in Antarctica is a large lake – about the size of Lake Ontario – and has been sitting underneath a thick ice cap that is 2

  • Mobsters and Cockfights and Bigfoot…Oh My!12

    • February 10, 2012

    I happened across this story while over at Bigfoot Evidence. I haven’t read anything this entertaining or imaginative in a long time, but this guy swears it’s all true and it happened to him. It spans most of his youth and on into adulthood. It’s choppy, messy and terribly written in places but I guarantee

  • Face In Clouds A Harbinger Of Death?

    Face In Clouds A Harbinger Of Death?5

    • February 10, 2012

    Here’s a definite case of pareidolia but could it be more than that? Lismore, Australia’s Marion Dawson would tell you yes. Apparently a photo of a cloud taken on January 9th depicts the face of Marion’s brother Gerry. You might be saying: OK yea, that’s cool, the cloud looks like the guy, so what? Well,

  • More UFO Sightings From Tijuana, Mexico

    More UFO Sightings From Tijuana, Mexico11

    • February 9, 2012

    Some readers might remember my previous posts on Tijuana’s growing number of UFO sightings. Another recent UFO video from Tijuana hit the net a couple of days ago. And I don’t use the term UFO loosely here. This video shows some unidentified flying object, as it silently hovers and changes colors in a brilliant display.

  • Scientist Says “Strange Sounds” Are Real – Is There A Cover Up?

    Scientist Says “Strange Sounds” Are Real – Is There A Cover Up?29

    • February 8, 2012

    Both Javier and I have posted several articles in an attempt to keep up with the ongoing saga of the sounds and it would seem we are getting closer to the truth each time. As we have waited patiently for some type of official recognition, Javier found some interesting comments from physics professorJean-Pierre St.-Maurice and

  • Strange Metal Boxes Appear Along West Coast After UFO Sightings

    Strange Metal Boxes Appear Along West Coast After UFO Sightings21

    • February 7, 2012

    OK, we have a new mystery to deal with. It seems retirees in the lazy coastal town of Stonefield Beach, Oregon have discovered some strange goings on in their community. After several folks reported seeing UFOs, odd metal boxes began to show up in the surf. Witnesses say the boxes are a robust 5’X5’X20″, “not

  • Video: Is This The Iceland Worm Monster ?

    Video: Is This The Iceland Worm Monster ?17

    • February 6, 2012

    Photo: misteresrl.wordpress.com The Iceland Worm Monster, Lagarfljóts Worm, has been a cryptic reported to live in the Lagarfljót Lake, Iceland. Sightings of the Icelandic worm monster date back to early reports from the 14th century. The stories describe a very long and massive worm-like creature that’s said to live on both land and water. Some

  • Mathematician Says ET Should Have Found Us By Now?

    Mathematician Says ET Should Have Found Us By Now?11

    • February 6, 2012

    With the discoveries of allegedly habitable planets being discovered at record pace we are now in a quandary. If there are so many planets around that can support life, then why haven’t we met ET yet? While some say we have and others claim to have seen their spacecrafts, we still have nothing that would

  • Friday Video: Dark Matters: Twisted But True

    Friday Video: Dark Matters: Twisted But True1

    • February 3, 2012

    Have you guys ever had the dumbest of nightmares and woken up scared to death because of them? I had one last night. It went something like this. Anyways…. The real life Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, a “zombie recipe”, and Tesla’s deadly weapon. Interested? Good. For today’s installment of Friday Video, I’ve screened this

  • Demon Behind Pillow?

    Demon Behind Pillow?32

    • February 2, 2012

    Seems Lindsay was on to something when she prompted me to do another article about “Demons and Spirits”. While doing my search this morning, the very first thing I came across was this photo of an alleged Demon peering out from behind a sofa pillow. Apparently it’s making the rounds and it’s a big deal

  • Mexican Police Chase UFO

    Mexican Police Chase UFO2

    • February 1, 2012

    Scott Corales from the IHU has been following the developing case of police officers from Mexicali, Mexico, who gave chase to an unidentified flying object last month. According to the story, the object was captured on closed circuit cameras. It’s seen as a bright hovering orb in an otherwise degraded video. What’s more important than