• The Sky IS Falling! Meteors Reported from Russia And Cuba: UPDATE, And San Francisco!

    The Sky IS Falling! Meteors Reported from Russia And Cuba: UPDATE, And San Francisco!3

    • February 15, 2013

    A new report has a bluish fireball Seen Over San Francisco. The Bay Area fireball blazed up around 7:45 p.m. local time Friday (10:45 p.m. EST; 0345 GMT Saturday), NBC Bay Area reported. The meteor apparently had a bluish tinge and was visible over a wide swath of the region, from Fairfield north of San

  • Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching

    Bigfoot Hunter: Still Searching0

    • February 15, 2013

    Greg Newkirk and his team at Who Forted could hardly have planned a better time to release for free viewing their own experience in hunting for Bigfoot in the hills of New York State. Here is the trailer “I think we’re going to find him, and I think we’re going to be the first ones

  • Wikileaks: Secret Government Documentation

    Wikileaks: Secret Government Documentation11

    • February 14, 2013

    There is none! Wikileaks went online in October of 2006 with the avowed purpose to: WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organization. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). The broader

  • Update: Arizona UFOs Identified

    Update: Arizona UFOs Identified9

    • February 13, 2013

    As much as I check the daily MUFON reports, I also take them with a grain of salt. If you get into a habit of perusing them on a regular basis, you will see that at minimum, 70% are hoaxes or just people misidentifying objects or effects. In the case of my original article it

  • Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Results To Be Published: And A New Video

    Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Results To Be Published: And A New Video15

    • February 13, 2013

    Last week brought the latest bit of drama surrounding Rick Dyer, Musky Allen, another dead probably fake Bigfoot and a battle of words between Musky Allen and Dr. Jeff Meldrum. This week offers up the next chapter in the Melba Ketchum drama around the release of her Bigfoot DNA results, Bigfoot Evidence 101 and Dyer

  • Name Pluto’s New Moons

    Name Pluto’s New Moons2

    • February 11, 2013

    First a little history of the “Planet” Pluto: From Universe Today: Pluto was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona. Astronomers had long predicted that there would be a ninth planet in the Solar System, which they called Planet X. Only 22 at the time, Tombaugh was

  • Harvesting Meds From The Ocean Floor

    Harvesting Meds From The Ocean Floor5

    • February 11, 2013

    An article on Phys.org talks about the next generation in medicine and biofuels can come from the ocean’s floors. Given that in the last few years the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria and/or diseases have gone up, it’s no wonder that mining the world’s oceans is the next step for humanity. “The reason why this

  • Joan’s Message From Beyond

    Joan’s Message From Beyond6

    • February 11, 2013

    So far we have heard from Joan (pseudonym) about what seems to be a haunted object that she unknowingly bought for her second husband which you can read in the story Haunted Trunk And further poltergeist activity brought on by her father’s experiments with the paranormal when she was 16 in Joan’s Story. Now another,

  • Is A Ghost In The Stable At Misty Meadows?

    Is A Ghost In The Stable At Misty Meadows?1

    • February 11, 2013

    As I made my rounds this morning, it didn’t take long for something to hit me as being an excellent beginning to the week. It is the perfect story to wake us up, a story of mystery, but also of majestic wonder. This is the tail of Mariska. Who is Mariska you say? Could it

  • Another Shiny Object Found On Mars

    Another Shiny Object Found On Mars10

    • February 8, 2013

    You probably might remember Henry Paterson’s Mystery Flower On Mars post last month where pictures of a mold-like flower were taken on the Martian surface. Today, another photograph depicting an anomalous object was found. It’s not a flower or a rock that looks like Bigfoot. It’s a very peculiar object that look metal, almost man-made.

  • Rick Dyer’s Dead Bigfoot Saga: UPDATE

    Rick Dyer’s Dead Bigfoot Saga: UPDATE18

    • February 8, 2013

    UPDATE: According to the Tribece Films Institute website there IS a project titled: SHOOTING BIGFOOT (aka OF MONSTERS AND MEN) (2011 TFI/Insurgent Fellowship) Morgan Matthews, Director Of Monsters and Men is a fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them. According to the Minnow Films website

  • Amazing Psychic

    Amazing Psychic0

    • February 8, 2013

    There are many things in this world we cannot explain. Then there are some we can explain and still do not understand. Here is one psychic who invites strangers literally off the street to have him tell them their deepest secrets. People see what they want to see. Where are your secrets kept? Dave is