• Video: Python Regurgitates Large Dog

    Video: Python Regurgitates Large Dog1

    • September 30, 2013

    Warning: For those who’ve not seen this video, it’s not for the squeamish. Large constrictors will eat just about anything they can fit through their dislocated jaws. But sometimes they take on more than they can handle. This event took place on a Bangkok street in Thailand’s Burana district, as a huge Python estimated to

  • Group Of Neighbors Report UFO Crash Moments After Event

    Group Of Neighbors Report UFO Crash Moments After Event5

    • September 28, 2013

    This event happened just last night (09/27/13) as a live podcast show by Youtube’s thirdphaseofmoon was under way. The report starts at 02:33 of the video below with a breaking call where a group of neighbors describe what they believe to be a UFO crash. OK, so we have a neighborhood that provides a mass

  • Police Dash Cam: UFO or Meteor?

    Police Dash Cam: UFO or Meteor?9

    • September 27, 2013

    Pretty impressive sighting either way. Watch: From the YouTube posting. Published on Sep 26, 2013 A police officers dashboard cam catches a huge green ball of light fall over Manning area of Alberta. Witness statement: Manning, Alberta – On Saturday, September 21, 2013, shortly after 9:30 pm, an RCMP officer on patrol on a dark

  • Giant Hornets Kill 28, Injure Hundreds

    Giant Hornets Kill 28, Injure Hundreds1

    • September 27, 2013

    While I have no special fear of stinging insects, having been a bee keeper, still there is something chilling about these creatures. I would not want to be swarmed by these things.   From an article on The Extinction Protocol 28 Killed, hundreds killed by swarms of giant hornets in China September 26, 2013 –

  • No Fear Of Cats

    No Fear Of Cats3

    • September 25, 2013

    This story may seem pretty mundane at the outset, but the implications of it could be more profound than we realize. From an article on LiveScience.com Before Mind-Control Parasite Kills Mice’s Fear of Cats Permanently By Douglas Main, Staff Writer September 19, 2013 A fair amount of research has taken place on Toxoplasma gondii, the

  • “Aliens” In Peru

    “Aliens” In Peru3

    • September 25, 2013

    You are just going to laugh at this one… or be so dumbfounded by the claim that you are left speechless. I am posting this only as an example of how desperate people are to get some sort of attention. Without further preamble, I give you…. ALIENS</strong> Or at least what passes for aliens in

  • Are We Headed Toward Mind Control?

    Are We Headed Toward Mind Control?0

    • September 25, 2013

    Even to myself, I am starting to wonder if I am wandering down the path that leads to becoming a conspiracy theorist? Several of my recent articles seem to lean that way. Have any of you seen it? In a story about Contaminated Vaccines Or one that mentions the potential for Mind Control Or an

  • 90,000 MPH

    90,000 MPH1

    • September 25, 2013

    Not since those first space shuttle launches have average Americans shown more than a passing interest in what NASA is doing. As we plan for a trip to Mars, traditional interest in space travel has made a modest comeback in recent years, as proven by the hundreds who signed up for a one way trip

  • Skinwalker Ranch: Interview With Local Tribe Member

    Skinwalker Ranch: Interview With Local Tribe Member34

    • September 24, 2013

    Larry Ceespooch Interview about the goings on in the Skinwalker Ranch area from Marc Coppell on Vimeo. Marc over at HauntedMan.net sent me a link to a recent interview with Larry Cesspooch from the Ute tribe. The man spoke of strange ‘things’ creeping around the infamous Skinwalker Ranch. Strange tales of tall, bipedal humanoids and

  • Jack The Ripper, Found?

    Jack The Ripper, Found?5

    • September 24, 2013

    There have been many theories over the years related to the identity of Jack The Ripper. Certainly not the first serial killer, and certainly not even the worst, Jack has remained a part of the public imagination for aver a century, inspiring ficitonal books, movies, plays and comic books as well as appearing across genres

  • Sasquatch Sightings: 92 years Of Data Mapped

    Sasquatch Sightings: 92 years Of Data Mapped12

    • September 23, 2013

        Joshua Stevens has an eye for creating beautiful looking maps. His research and analytical skills were recently concentrating on tracking every Bigfoot sighting over the last 92 years in the United States and Canada areas. Over 3,313 reports were compiled to produce this fascinating bird’s eye view of the Bigfoot hotspots. Click on

  • Your Chance To Become An Astronaut

    Your Chance To Become An Astronaut0

    • September 22, 2013

    I am one of those people who has never really settled into a career. I seem to change jobs, or employers on average about very six years. In my wildest dreams I have never given up on the childhood fantasy of becoming an astronaut. Today that dream has come within my grasp. Sort of… From


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