• Airline Pilot Avoids UFO

    Airline Pilot Avoids UFO6

    • December 23, 2013

    The UK air safety panel has released the report in the near collision of an unidentified Airbus 320 with an even more unidentified object from this past June. From the article in The Mirror A terrified airline pilot ducked to avoid a UFO he feared was going to smash into his plane at 34,000ft. The

  • China Moon Conspiracy BS

    China Moon Conspiracy BS6

    • December 22, 2013

    It has been little more than a week and already the conspiracy theorists are attacking the Chinese with accusations of faking their moon landing. As typical, these stories start with an outright lie. Unfortunately like other publicized space exploration spectacles this event is highly questionable and appears to be another hoax. Many researchers have proven

  • Paranormal Reality Shows. Who’s Still Watching?

    Paranormal Reality Shows. Who’s Still Watching?23

    • December 19, 2013

    Those of you who have been following GhostTheory throughout the years understand our stance when it comes to reality television. Especially when it comes to paranormal reality shows. In the last few years the term ‘paranormal research’ has truly lost its meaning. Parapsychology and psychokinetic research has been boiled-down to the generic term “ghost hunting”

  • Morphing UFO Caught On Video

    Morphing UFO Caught On Video4

    • December 19, 2013

    Alien inhabitants of Earth have caught on to the innocuousness of bunches of floating balloons and adjusted their cloaking devices accordingly to now mimic such apparitions. Sadly for them, sharp eyed humans have caught on to this obvious ruse and are capturing them on video on a fairly regular basis. With the gift giving season

  • Cool Tech: Pen That “Writes” in 3D

    Cool Tech: Pen That “Writes” in 3D5

    • December 18, 2013

    3-D Printers have been making news recently. Now just in time for that hard to buy for person on your shopping list, there is a 3-D pen… That is to say a pen that “writes” in three dimensions. You can check out the possibilities at their website, The 3D Doodler What can I make with

  • Matthew Currie Takes On James Randi

    Matthew Currie Takes On James Randi5

    • December 16, 2013

    Matthew Currie, Astrologer and self professed skeptic has a few things to say to The James Randi Educational Foundation about Skepticism and an educational booklet titled “Astrology: Superstition or Science?” Currie would seem to approve of skepticism in general, just not when it is applied to him or his beliefs. Excerpted from a post on

  • Sun Flips Out!

    Sun Flips Out!0

    • December 16, 2013

    From The Independant Sun will ‘flip upside down’ within weeks, says Nasa Tomas Jivanda Friday 15 November 2013 The sun is set to “flip upside down” within weeks as its magnetic field reverses polarity in an event that will send ripple effects throughout the solar system. Although it may sound like a catastrophic occurrence, there’s

  • Ellensbuirg WA UFO Faked3

    • December 13, 2013

    A recent report of a UFO in my neck of the woods has gotten my attention. I found this on OpenMinds.TV Black blob UFO photographed in Washington Posted by: Alejandro Rojas December 13, 2013 A UFO described as a big black blob was photographed over the town of Ellensburg, Washington on Tuesday. The witness says

  • Obama Appoints UFO Disclosure Advocate

    Obama Appoints UFO Disclosure Advocate4

    • December 12, 2013

    Or is it just more disinformation? Who better to present the UFO community with disinformation than an outspoken advocate for disclosure? According to Huffington Post: For all of you who hope the U.S. government will lift the veil on its alleged stockpile of evidence that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials — take heart. This

  • Russian 1969 Roswell Badly Faked

    Russian 1969 Roswell Badly Faked1

    • December 12, 2013

    From an article on VoiceOfRussia.com In 1969 in the state of Sverdlovsky, a UFO was reported to have crashed. It is alleged that a UFO crashed, and was recovered by the Russian military. Video film is shown of the recovery, with close-ups of the UFO itself. There was one dead alien found in the craft. The

  • Dead Bigfoot: Portrait Of A Sociopath?

    Dead Bigfoot: Portrait Of A Sociopath?27

    • December 12, 2013

    When I turned 12 many moons ago, it was near the start of buck season in NWPA. Growing up in a small rural town surrounded by the Allegheny National Forest, I’d spent much of my youth tramping through the woods, exploring and dreaming. I already knew much about the outdoors and could identify most every


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