• Peru: “Parapsychologists” Claim To Photograph Ghost11

    • May 18, 2010

    Do people take the title of “Parapsychologist” too lightly in this day and age? Parapsychology itself started around the mid 19th century. It was pioneered by scientists and scholars who were psychical researchers who were bringing a true scientific approach to an abstract dilemma. Fast forward to the present day and what do we have?

  • Wem ‘Ghost Girl’ Photograph Finally Solved?50

    • May 17, 2010

    On November 19, 1995, photographer Tony O’Rahilly snapped this shot as Wem Town Hall, Shropshire, England, was burning. No one had seen what appears to be a small girl in a doorway. According to the story, the apparition may be the spirit of Jane Churm who died in another fire in the town hall in

  • East Texan Bigfoot Encounters2

    • May 15, 2010

    Many stories of Bigfoot encounters come from eastern Texas. When you mention Texas, many people think of arid lands and cowboys. Not a lot of people are aware of the lush forests and high mountains that exist in Texas. Accounts of the legendary Bigfoot have come from Texas just as long as any other part

  • Friday Video: Dolls3

    • May 14, 2010

    I know this is true: Everyone has a childhood movie that has scarred them for life! For me, it was the 1987 horror flick called “Dolls”. Between The Exorcist and Dolls I really had a hard time adjusting to the dark. It so happened that I was living in Mexico at the time and as

  • Worst Wedding DJ EVER!11

    • May 13, 2010

    I know this has nothing to do with the paranormal, but this is just too funny to pass up. I was reading through HuffingtonPost and came across this post. LOL! This guy…..hahahahhaha…. I’m using him as the DJ when I get married.

  • ‘Skunk Ape’ Loves Victoria’s Secret4

    • May 13, 2010

    Skunk Ape “researcher” Dave Shealy was recently interviewed by FlashNews about the latest updates on Skunk Ape from the marshes. “What’s a Skunk Ape?” you ask.   More importantly: Who is Dave Shealy? Shealy is recognized as the leading researching into the Florida Everglades Hominid cryptid known as Skunk Ape. I’ve seen and read several

  • Aliens Hijacked Voyager 2? Nope.2

    • May 13, 2010

    Since it left Earth’s atmosphere 33 years ago, the Voyager 2 spacecraft has constantly beamed back to Earth information of its travels through space. It also has on board a map of the location of our solar system and Earth, just in case Aliens want to drop by and enslave us all I guess. On

  • I Know What I Saw: On DVD3

    • May 12, 2010

    One of the latest and best documentaries on UFOs that I’ve ever seen is on sale now. I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks that this is by far one of the best documentaries done. I’ve posted this video up for our “Friday Video” segment and received pretty good responses. Many reviews that

  • ‘Ghost’ Seen At Selby Town Hall0

    • May 12, 2010

    An ‘Edwardian or Victorian’ figure is said to stalk the halls of Selby Town Hall. Many employees have reported disembodied footsteps being heard throughout the floors and lights that turn on and off on their own accord. “She checked the toilets for stragglers and finding them empty she locked them up. But on returning to

  • Linda Godfrey: Podcast Interview By BOA6

    • May 11, 2010

    Werewolves. Like them or not, there are strange reports coming from all over the U.S. about some “Bipedal Canine Cryptids” running about. I’m not saying that these creatures of myth exist but what I am saying is that people all over are witnessing some type of mutated dog/wolf hybrid. This is the basis to all

  • Phantom Hitchhikers: Myth Or Reality?12

    • May 10, 2010

    No matter what part of the world you are from, we’ve all heard some ghost story about a phantom hitchhiker that stalks motorists on some long stretch of a less traveled road. The stories usually culminate with the hitchhiker being offered a lift to an unknown destination and suddenly without warning the mysterious passenger disappears

  • On Parapsychology…0

    • May 10, 2010

    The Malaysian news site “The Star Online” has an interview with parapsychologist Dr. Caroline Watt of the Parapsychological Association, in which she talks about the studies in parapsychology and its hardships. Many people think that parapsychology is what the “Ghost Hunters” or the kids from “Paranormal State” is. I say this because I’ve heard it