• “Backyard Bigfoot” Update6

    • July 9, 2010

    Overnight AM has a blog post by Lan Lamphere in which he apologetically emphasizes that his previous headline of “Bigfoot found in North America” was a bad attempt at raising eyebrows and a product of time-constraints. Regardless, Lamphere and crew decided to not include the BFRO in any part of the investigation and have instead

  • Grim Sleeper: L.A.’s Notorious Serial Killer Caught2

    • July 8, 2010

    Yesterday I got a call from my brother (future policeman) telling me that the ‘Grim Sleeper’ had been caught. He found out from a friend of ours who is a detective at the LAPD. I couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying since I was watching the World Cup game at the time and

  • Bigfoot Found In North America? Not So Fast24

    • July 8, 2010

    Craig Woolheater from Cryptomundo reported that ‘Overnight AM‘ producers were in contact with a 70 year old man who claims that a family of Bigfoot were bedding down nightly in his backyard. From OverNight AM: LISTEN ON DEMAND – Overnight AM producers have been contacted by a man claiming to have found Bigfoot living in

  • Poltergeist Fires and Ghostly Cries Report In Kuwait Household5

    • July 7, 2010

    According to this news report from the Arab Times Online, a Kuwait citizen has appealed to the Prime Minister and State Minister in order to have a different home allocated to him and his family. Mansour Al-Ajmi claims that some parts in his home have spontaneously caught fire. There have been incidents when Mansour Al-Ajmi

  • Ghostly Faces In The Mirror? Get The Windex8

    • July 6, 2010

    I received an email from Dan C. from California. Dan told me that he had taken a photograph at some strange “faces” that had appeared in a friend’s mirror. Dan wanted to get the opinions of the GhostTheory readers. Upon looking at the photo, I automatically saw what Dan was talking about. To me, it’s

  • Haunted Bank Of America?1

    • July 6, 2010

    View Larger Map As if I needed another reason to drop Bank Of America. There are rumors that a Bank Of America branch in Tucson, Arizona, might by haunted. The rumors are of doors swinging open and then being slammed shut. Some employees speak of seeing apparitions. I heard that this used to be a

  • Book Review: Dark Angels

    Book Review: Dark Angels0

    • July 4, 2010

    I was contacted by Soul Healer Press publishing house and was asked if I wanted to review the book “Dark Angels” by Dr. Rita Louise, PhD. Before accepting I did a quick online search to see what the book was about. Descriptions pointed out that this book was a reference guide to ghosts and everything

  • Fiji: Strange Marine “Monster” Scares Fishermen3

    • July 3, 2010

    Fishermen from three villages in Cakaudrove are afraid of going back in to the waters after a hearing a frightening encounter one female fisherman had. According to the reports, The woman,Ateca Disukavanua, was in waist-high water when she saw a 3 foot creature swimming towards her. She describes the create as having “flippers like that

  • Friday Video: Supernatural – Unseen Powers Of Animals7

    • July 2, 2010

    Guess what guys? It’s ‘Friday Video’ time! The BBC produces some of the best documentaries I’ve seen. No matter what the subject is, the production value of the documentary and writers that make it possible, turn these stories into captivating masterpieces. ‘Supernatural: The unseen powers of Animals’ is a captivating look at the “paranormal” powers

  • Former Police Officer Sees “Alien Children” Disappear3

    • July 2, 2010

    A former police officer from Puckeridge, UK, reported seeing a strange light which appeared to be “orange and oval” in shape. “Nick R.” claims that he also witnesses what he first thought to be children in a field. Upon observation, he noticed that these “children” all of a sudden disappeared. If you ask me, that

  • Scientific Evidence Of Poltergeist Knockings Found?27

    • July 1, 2010

    The SPR (Society for Psychical Research) published an article from Dr Barrie Colvin B.Sc., Ph.D., in which Dr. Colvin talks about a possible scientific evidence of a poltergeist knock. Although the claim itself does not sound all too interesting, looking at the collected evidence, one can quickly appreciate Dr. Colvin’s discovery. Dr. Colvin was able

  • U.S. Military: Training Is Responsible For UFOs10

    • June 30, 2010

    Who to trust? Civilians who report some “reddish/orange lights blinking erratically” that divide into 9 orbs in the night sky and fly away in the V formation? Or the U.S. military that explains that their night-time flight tests are responsible for the North Carolina UFO sighting? People often misidentify military craft for UFOs, especially around