• Guest Blogger: William Butt “Paranormal Investigation Techniques”4

    • July 25, 2010

    Guest blogger William Butt talks to us about his investigation methods when dealing with the paranormal. William’s Air Force training conditions him to observe with a focused attention and record incidents for further analysis. Methods like ‘dual verification’ and note taking are obvious techniques to use when investigating, but do any of you guys out

  • Book Review: Ghosts of Central Arizona

    Book Review: Ghosts of Central Arizona2

    • July 24, 2010

    I was sent Heather Woodward’s book a few months ago but haven’t had the time to write up a review of it until now. I try to knock out a two or three books a month, but lately I’ve been busy with other projects that it makes it difficult. So with apologies to Heather Woodward,

  • Romanian Ghost Caught On Photograph7

    • July 24, 2010

    The Romanian news site, Jurnalul.ro, is reporting that a security guard had an encounter with a “phantom” in an old building she was guarding. Quick thinking, Manuela Chirosca managed to pull out her cellphone and capture the image of what she says is a ghost. The city of Bralia has a well known legend of

  • Friday Video: “Ancient Mysteries: Bigfoot”9

    • July 23, 2010

    Taking you back to the mid 90s, I present to you Ancient Mysteries: Bigfoot for this installment of Friday Video. Ancient Mysteries is one of my all-time favorite television shows. Leonard Nimoy’s early contribution to the show helped give it that  extra creepiness in my opinion. The show was fairly successful throughout its 3 year

  • UFO Captured On Security Camera?8

    • July 23, 2010

    A man from Saltney, Flintshire, U.K. is convinced that he has captured a strange aircraft on his security camera during the night. Looking at the footage, I would ordinarily conclude that what we’re seeing are just the lights of an man-made aircraft, but as far as I know, all man-made aircraft are required to have

  • ‘The Walking Dead’ Comic Coming To AMC Channel10

    • July 22, 2010

    As if I didn’t have problems sleeping already….. AMC television has been busy shooting scenes for their new series “The Walking Dead”, based on Robert Kirkman and artists Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard’s black & white comics. From Wikipedia: The Walking Dead is centered on Rick Grimes, a small-town police officer from Cynthiana, Kentucky, his

  • Strange Beast In Ecuador Ripping Cattle Apart6

    • July 22, 2010

    A large and mysterious creature is ripping apart cattle in a small village of Ecuador. Although the original article is in Spanish, Google translation tries its best to translate it to English, but fails. So I will paraphrase. The small community of “La Cuadra” (The block) has seen multiple cattle mutilated and torn apart by

  • “Bigfoot Bash”: Michigan’s 3 Day Bigfoot Fest1

    • July 22, 2010

    The Michigan Magazine Museum in Comins, Michigan, will host the 3 day Bigfoot event. Along with live music and entertainment, the “Bigfoot Bash” will be focused on presenting a serious look at our beloved gargantuan bipedal friend. Guest speakers and attendees will have the opportunity to share their stories of Bigfoot. Also featured will be

  • Man’s House Hit By Meteorites: “I am obviously being targeted by E.T.”11

    • July 21, 2010

    Radivoke Lajic of Bosnia has seen many meteorites hit his home in the last several years. Enough that scientists are now studying the geography of the property and scratching their heads as to why, this small house is being bombarded with small meteorite fragments. Scientists believe that strong magnetic fields are pulling the space rocks

  • “Backyard Bigfoot”: It’s Getting Messy22

    • July 20, 2010

    Over at Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman weighed in on the latest updates on “Mr. Mike” and the whole “Backyard Bigfoot” incident. His post has gained some attention in the Cryptozoology community. What I found to be reasonable, many have found to be rude. What I found to be truthful, others think is just jealousy. In Coleman’s

  • U.S. Navy Laser Weapon: Shoots Down Drone – Video7

    • July 19, 2010

    In this amazing video, the U.S. Navy test their new “laser cannon” to shoot down an unmanned drone plane during a practice scenario. The laser is powerful enough to target a fast flying object and incinerate it. I don’t know what to think honestly. I mean, it sounds like a good defense weapon that could

  • ‘Mother-In-Law Ghost’ Photograph Debunked28

    • July 18, 2010

    Dezarae Smith claims her mother-in-law’s ghost was caught on this cell phone picture. A Lufkin, Texas, woman believes that a photograph taken of her daughter while she was dancing, shows the shadow/spirit of her mother-in-law in the background. Behind the dancing little girl, you can see a silhouette that unmistakeably looks humanoid in shape. According