• The Strange Case Of Frederick Valentich12

    • November 23, 2010

    Delta Sierra Juliet….These words send chills down my spine, and have been ever since I heard of the strange case of Frederick Valentich. The Australian pilot who during a routine flight had been thrown into one of the most bizarre cases in the annals of Ufology. I was in my early teens, thirteen maybe, when

  • Yeren: Hair Samples Are Of Unknown Origin6

    • November 23, 2010

    An unidentified strand of hair that was collected near the Shennongjia Nature Reserve has not been identified to belong to any known animal. Yet. Scientists are trying to figure out who this weird strand of unidentified hair belongs to. The Shennongjia Nature Reserve is a known habitat of the China “Wild man” or also known

  • Researchers To Test ‘Near Death Experiences’12

    • November 22, 2010

    Finally someone is putting the NDE (near death experience) phenomena to the test. Scientists from the U.K. and the U.S. will be conducting a year long test in hospitals to see if NDE are real. How exactly will they test? you ask. Well the plan is to suspend a few pictures face up from the

  • Lament For Patricia Lopez10

    • November 21, 2010

    If I may be allowed to open up for a moment dear readers, I would like to tell you of my own personal grief. I don’t know exactly where this would fit in a paranormal website, but I feel that I’ve been having reoccurring dreams and flashbacks for over twenty years now. These are the

  • Haunted Or Dusty?5

    • November 21, 2010

    Could this be a picture of a spirit dwelling in the underground tunnels of Manchester’s Great Northern Goods Warehouse? Or an ordinary macro picture of plain old dust? According to the article, someone thinks that: ” It shows an arm, a back, the nape of a neck. It could be a coincidence of dust, a

  • California Contrail Could Be Chinese Missile21

    • November 20, 2010

    OK. This whole “missile” thing is kinda creeping me out now. I thought this whole ordeal was done and over with. I had convinced myself that, YES…THOSE WERE CONTRAILS off the Cali coast. My attempt at subduing my paranoid self was short lived. World Net Daily now has a report that refutes the Pentagon’s explanation

  • UK: Photo Of Triangle UFO17

    • November 18, 2010

    Dubbed the “Dorito UFO” because of its shape, the Dudley UFO sighting has prompted many to speculate that “triangle UFOs” are on the rise in the UK or that governmental agencies are flying a super top secret aircraft. Top secret stealth technology or triangle UFOs? I say neither! At least not looking at the above

  • China: The Rich & UFOs2

    • November 17, 2010

    With almost all major news papers having had displayed headlines of China’s growing UFO sightings in the recent months, this article by the Financial Times brings about a different perspective as to what is hovering over the Chinese skies. According to the FT, China has opened up their low-altitude airspace for private aircraft. Meaning those

  • Video: Ghost Child In Savannah Cemetery?16

    • November 16, 2010

    Full source: Fox 8 Cleveland The video above is said to show something paranormal. An image of what some are calling a ‘ghost child’ that runs through Colonial Park Cemetery in Savannah Georgia. The image is seen running in the background, running by some tombstones. We then see some object, which many think is the

  • “Blue UFO” Mystery Solved2

    • November 16, 2010

    So remember the “mystery of the week” that I posted about a week ago about a blue UFO that was spotted over D.C./Virginia area? Turns out that it was a model R/C glider illuminated by blue LED lights. I mentioned that it was probably a kite with LED lights. I said LED lights because recently,

  • Poland: Exorcists On The Rise5

    • November 15, 2010

    I’m not sure what to make of this report from the Telegraph. Apparently in Poland, the demand for exorcists has almost tripled in the last decade. The report states that more and more people shy away from science and turn to spiritualism to help deal with mental disorders. You’d think that the need for exorcists

  • Abandoned House Ghosts Caught On Video?19

    • November 13, 2010

    Don’t know what to make of this video. I’m so inclined to just write this off as a hoax and call it a day, but I really cannot think of an explanation for the images seen here. Maybe the images of ghosts were added using some video editing software. The narrative at the beginning of