• NASA Anomalies Caught On Film7

    • December 2, 2010

    As NASA gets ready to hold a press conference about the new life form found (hint: It’s here on earth), I figured I would post a nice compilation of ‘alien anomalies’ that were caught on several space missions. You know…as a homage of some sort. In these two videos, we can appreciate the work that

  • NASA Announcement Leaked Early4

    • December 2, 2010

    Not sure how real this is, but most likely this is correct. A new form of bacteria found HERE ON EARTH has a complete and different building block than any other living thing we know of. The discovery suggest that life on other planets close to ours is possible. We’ve just been looking for only

  • NASA: Finding “will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life”14

    • December 1, 2010

    NASA will hold a live teleconference tomorrow, December 2nd 2010, in which representatives will “discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life”. Rumors are already circling the web. From alien life forms to plants and micro-organisms. Has NASA found life on other planets? Possibly in Titan? Watch it all

  • Michigan Man Claims Alien Life Found14

    • November 30, 2010

    Story goes that in 2000, a Michigan man found some large chunks of ice outside his home in Michigan. 65 year old Duane Snyder said that he had been praying to Jesus and asking for him to send him an ice meteorite. No, I’m not making this up. According to Duane, he knew it was

  • Is this really the disembodied head of a child ghost?21

    • November 30, 2010

    I often find some great stuff over at Unexplained Mysteries and this is no exception. Seems the girls in the picture were getting ready for a night on the town and decided that a group photo was in order. Some alleged witnesses claim the crying girl was throwing a fit because she wanted her playmate

  • Loch Ness Photos: More Photos Of Nessie Surface3

    • November 29, 2010

    The rest of the photos of the supposed “Loch Ness Monster” have surfaced (no pun intended). From last weeks post “Loch Ness: New Pictures Of Nessie” the rest of the pictures taken that day have been released. Let me just say this: Don’t blame me for the upcoming disappointment. I’m just a messenger here. The

  • Road Through Yeti Territory Set To Begin Construction4

    • November 28, 2010

    In efforts to shave off travel time between Tawang and Guwahati in India, a road is being constructed through the Bhutanese territory. Why is this relevant to us paranormal/crypto enthusiasts? If you recall, the Bhutan territory is home to the Yeti and the recent controversy of possible Yeti hairs found by the television show crew

  • News Crew Capture “Poltergeist Attack” On Boy26

    • November 27, 2010

    Jamaica’s CVM News was sent to cover a story of a supposed poltergeist attack on a young boy that has a small town in total bedlam. The attacks are attributed to a Duppy, a Jamaican word for ghost or spirit. The boy told people that the duppy is a known friend of his who had

  • Loch Ness:New Pictures Of Nessie8

    • November 26, 2010

    Guess who’s back? Yup, Nessie! The folklore, turned myth, turned hoax, turned sightings, turned reality, turned…whatever monster is back in the news. Richard Preston is said to be the latest witness to have spotted and photographed what he (and many) believe to be Nessie. While working on the Aldourie Castle gardens, Mr. Preston noticed something

  • Friday Video: The Truth About Zombies (NatGeo)7

    • November 26, 2010

    One of the better zombie documentaries was shown on the National Geographic channel on Halloween day. I must admin that it was well researched and well produced. Interviewing people like Max Brooks, author of the famous “Zombie survival guide” and author Wad Davis (The Serpent & The Rainbow). Which if you have not read them,

  • M6 “Paranormal Crash”: Suspect Confirms Secret Code14

    • November 26, 2010

    Mark Collins over at the PR Log released this new piece of information on the cryptic “paranormal car crash” event that we’ve been following. I think I can safely assume that I, as well as most of you, have been interested in this case since it first emerged. When I first read the reports of

  • Australian Poltergeist Video27

    • November 24, 2010

    GT reader David S. contacted us about a “ghost hunter” from Queensland Australia who is said to have captured some compelling evidence of poltergeist activity. NQGHOSTHUNTER is the ghost hunter’s username on YouTube. His videos show some interesting and clear shots of objects being tossed around and moved by unseen forces….or strings. Check out the