• Louisiana Swamp Monster Mystery Solved?60

    • December 13, 2010

    If you want some thorough investigation on this mystery, check out Wired Web blog. The blogger has uncovered a plethora of useful information and has compiled data uncovered by other astute web surfers. The results? A damn good case proving that the alleged “louisiana Swamp Monster” was not a movie viral like many say; it

  • Louisiana Swamp Monster Photo?54

    • December 11, 2010

    I took the liberty to change a few settings on the image to enhance the silliness err…I mean monster. This trailcam image has been circling the web recently under the title of “Louisiana Swamp Monster”. Supposedly the person who owns the trailcam said that they had found their camera destroyed by something or someone. Luckily

  • Friday Video: 5th Dimension-Near Death Experience5

    • December 10, 2010

    ‘Near Death Experiences’, or NDEs, have been reported ever since humans graced this planet. Stories of a person being in the brink of death, finding themselves in a point in time where everything is slowed. Everything around them, their thoughts, feelings, emotions and perception of time, everything is skewed. Copacetic. These stories are familiar to

  • Aussie Teen Claims to Record Alien Being.23

    • December 9, 2010

    More Australian weirdness in the news. Yesterday’s post about the UFO in Australia led many GT readers to believe that what was captured on a photograph was nothing more than a mountaintop with its base covered by clouds. Making it seem like a triangle UFO. Today, another UFO/Alien story from the land down under. 16

  • Gold Prospector Snaps UFO19

    • December 8, 2010

    Gold prospector Adam Cainero claims that he snapped a photograph of a strange flying object near the mountains where him and his friend were out looking for gold. Adam didn’t realize anything was lurking about when he blindly took the photo, but upon checking the pictures once they got home, they were surprised to see

  • Poltergeist Haunts Young Mother9

    • December 7, 2010

    A young mother in England has been seeking help in regards to weird noises and unexplained events happening in her new home. Holly Taylor moved into her Pemberton Town home a few months ago with her two-year-old daughter. Unbeknownst to Holly, her place used to be a former Police station. What really creeped her out

  • “Swamp Loggers” Stumble Upon Bigfoot Nest?26

    • December 6, 2010

    According to the Bigfoot research team, Discover Bigfoot, on one of the latest episodes of the reality television show Swamp Loggers, the crew stumbles upon a Bigfoot nest out in the forests of North Carolina. Some of the crew members from the show photographed their find. The photos show matted grass and large mounds of

  • Ret. NORAD Officer: More UFOs Above Major Cities30

    • December 5, 2010

    Retired NORAD officer Stan Fulham is back on the news. You might remember Mr. Fulham from the “NYC UFO” mess. When a few months ago, Fulham had predicted that UFO crafts would hover above New York City on October 13th 2010. On the morning of the 13th, to my surprise, my inbox was flooded with

  • Unsolved Mysteries: UFOs In Mexico2

    • December 4, 2010

    In this Unsolved Mysteries episode on UFOs, we can appreciate some really fantastic UFO sightings from Mexico filmed throughout the early 90s. Mexico has had a lot of major UFO sightings and has presented a lot of video evidence as well through the last few decades. One of the most shocking videos was from a

  • Follow up: Does this answer the question of the ghost child?4

    • December 3, 2010

    Seems reader/commenter hucksterfoot is on the ball with this one. He turned us on to the site ‘badghosts’ and an writeup there by bobdezon. Ol’ bob has a very good theory and it’s one that I’m more than inclined to agree with. Here is and excerpt from his article. Perhaps the most striking feature of

  • Friday Video: Enfield Poltergeist (Latest Documentary)8

    • December 3, 2010

    I’ve been covering the Enfield Poltergeist case on GT for quite some time now. I think that I might have done a ‘Friday Video’ on it before. This last few days, I’ve come down with a really bad cold. In fact, so bad that I had to miss work two days in a row. Yea…poor

  • Wikileaks To Disclose UFO Files25

    • December 3, 2010

    You may have noticed that we here at GhostTheory try our best to keep our own politics and religious viewpoints out of the articles that we write. Many of you by now are probably familiar with the WikiLeaks fiasco and how it is affecting governments and its peoples. I’m not gonna get into what I