• Haunted: “Ghost Monk” Captured On Video?13

    • May 27, 2011

    I’m not really sure what to think about the following clip. In Mexico, there’s a paranormal show called “ExtraNormal” which deals with subjects of the paranormal and mysterious in nature. The following clip is of a haunted property in which the owners claim to hear voices and see shadows throughout. More importantly, there is a

  • Friday Video: Penn & Teller – The Apocalypse3

    • May 27, 2011

    I enjoy Penn & Teller’s harsh humor. Combined with foul language and at times nudity, they really fly off the edge. This is why their Bullshit! show is such a great hit. I have to admit that there are some episodes in which the way they dissect a subject seems a bit biased. But it’s

  • First Images From Great Pyramid’s Secret Chamber29

    • May 27, 2011

    More new discoveries coming from Egypt. Yesterday’s post mentioned the discovery of the ancient city of Tanis. Today, NewScientist posted some important information about one of Egypt’s iconic structures. A robot exploring the small chambers inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza revealed unexpected markings painted in red as well as a polished stone door. Which

  • The Man with the Flaming Hands20

    • May 27, 2011

    We have all heard of Spontaneous Human Combustion, right? In case you haven’t it goes something like this: An old woman is sitting in a rocking chair knitting a shawl while watching Wheel of Fortune and suddenly, Flame On! Someone calls the local constabulary complaining of burning flesh smells and the poor woman is eventually

  • “Mersey Monster” Could Be Just A Shark13

    • May 26, 2011

    A photograph was taken of a strange creature that appeared in the waters of Mersey. What’s strange about creature is its profile as it emerged from the water just in time for Mark Harrison to snap a quick photo. At first glance the creature looks reptilian, like the jaws of a dinosaur poking out the

  • Lost Pyramids & Ancient City Revealed By Satellite5

    • May 26, 2011

    A new satellite survey of Egypt has revealed a hidden treasure right under modern Egypt. Infra-red images taken by the satellite shows an advanced grid-like settlement of what was the ancient city of Tanis. Among the recent find, seventeen pyramids were also detected through the survey. It’s exciting to hear about the find. Among ancient

  • Colorado Man Claims Bigfoot & Aliens Near Pikes Peak16

    • May 25, 2011

    As if one strange being wasn’t enough there’s a Colorado man by the name of Daniel Masias who claims to have seen a Bigfoot like creature as well as taken a photograph of an alien with a trail cam. He also claims to have seen footprints of the elusive Squatchy creatures. According to Mr. Masias,

  • UFOs Over L.A. – May 21st3

    • May 25, 2011

    With much buzz going around the world about the May 21st “doomsday” prophecy, residents in east Los Angeles managed to capture something quite odd over the southern Californian skies. It wasn’t anything related to what the failed prophet claimed we would experience. It was an UFO in the truest sense of the word. And no,

  • Taxidermist:”Bigfoot Is Giant Indian Gone Wild”11

    • May 24, 2011

    Almost a decade before the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film was shot, there were dozens of reports of large human-like footprints reported in the Pacific Northwest. Although the legend of Bigfoot dates as far back as the first settlers in North America, the news agencies in the 1950s were having a field day printing crazy headlines which

  • Mystery Creatures Causing Panic In Vietnam4

    • May 23, 2011

    Pet dogs found missing internal organs and their head? Unidentified footprints and roars heard throughout the night, these are the strange reports that are coming from several people from Binh Dong, Vietnam. Many people have reported seeing these dog-like creatures roaming about, some even have reported being attacked by them. The descriptions of these creatures

  • South African School Infested By Demons5

    • May 22, 2011

    Or so the claims go… Over the past few years that I’ve been blogging about the paranormal I’ve encountered dozens of stories in which whole schools are said to be under some demonic attack. Asian, European, African and Latin countries all included. The sad part about this type of hysteria is that the children are

  • CDC Is Prepared For A Zombie Apocalypse48

    • May 21, 2011

    I was surprised to learn that the Center for Disease Control has a plan for a zombie apocalypse. Really! Due to the popularity of zombies in Pop culture, the CDC updated their blog with a little zombie apocalypse preparedness. Not only is it important to have a survival kit ready to go, but also a