• Arkansas & Chile: Dead Birds & Fish28

    • January 4, 2011

    The bird count in Arkansas is much higher than previously reported. What initially was estimated to be around 1,000 dead birds that fell from the sky on New Year’s Eve has now been upped to 3,000. The mystery remains as to what could have caused these birds to fall from the sky. Many claim that

  • Bigfoot: Hikers Hear ‘Otherworldly Cry’3

    • January 3, 2011

    Imagine going on a hike in a very remote area in the wilderness. Now, imagine your quiet hike interrupted by a loud beastly cry. Such was the case when a writer for Salem News visited Oregon’s ‘timber country’. A loud and territorial cry was heard by two experienced hikers. The loud cry was unlike anything

  • 1,000 Blackbirds Fell From The Sky13

    • January 2, 2011

    40 miles northeast of Little Rock, Arkansas, around 1,000 dead and half-dead blackbirds lay strewn about. The mystery occurred right before midnight on New Year’s Eve and left many baffled as to why birds would fall out of a sky. The fact that it happened right before the new year, made it even more mysterious.

  • “Mysterious” Creature Found In Kentucky30

    • December 24, 2010

    The year couldn’t end without another one of these “mysterious creature” or Chupacabras making the news. This time, a Kentucky resident awoke one morning to find that some creature had died on his property. The creature couldn’t be identified by the man, so he started asking around. Word started to spread quickly, as always the

  • New Sylvanic Bigfoot Video25

    • December 23, 2010

    Here it is guys, the latest trailer from Mr. Todd Standing himself. GT has interviewed Standing in the past, and it’s produced a lot of chatter activity here on the site and on the outside internet. Check out the new trailer from the upcoming 13 minute documentary of the Sylvanic enigma: What do you think?

  • Bigfoot Sighting In Nature Preserve, Bigfoot Hunter Kicked Out9

    • December 16, 2010

    Recent Bigfoot reports around the Mineola nature preserve led a local man to trespass private property in search for the elusive creature. Caught sleeping in his car, the man had setup bait along the roof of his car. A few oranges, nuts and a raw steak in efforts to attract Bigfoot. Hearing about the recent

  • Louisiana Swamp Monster Mystery Solved?60

    • December 13, 2010

    If you want some thorough investigation on this mystery, check out Wired Web blog. The blogger has uncovered a plethora of useful information and has compiled data uncovered by other astute web surfers. The results? A damn good case proving that the alleged “louisiana Swamp Monster” was not a movie viral like many say; it

  • Louisiana Swamp Monster Photo?54

    • December 11, 2010

    I took the liberty to change a few settings on the image to enhance the silliness err…I mean monster. This trailcam image has been circling the web recently under the title of “Louisiana Swamp Monster”. Supposedly the person who owns the trailcam said that they had found their camera destroyed by something or someone. Luckily

  • “Swamp Loggers” Stumble Upon Bigfoot Nest?26

    • December 6, 2010

    According to the Bigfoot research team, Discover Bigfoot, on one of the latest episodes of the reality television show Swamp Loggers, the crew stumbles upon a Bigfoot nest out in the forests of North Carolina. Some of the crew members from the show photographed their find. The photos show matted grass and large mounds of

  • Loch Ness Photos: More Photos Of Nessie Surface3

    • November 29, 2010

    The rest of the photos of the supposed “Loch Ness Monster” have surfaced (no pun intended). From last weeks post “Loch Ness: New Pictures Of Nessie” the rest of the pictures taken that day have been released. Let me just say this: Don’t blame me for the upcoming disappointment. I’m just a messenger here. The

  • Road Through Yeti Territory Set To Begin Construction4

    • November 28, 2010

    In efforts to shave off travel time between Tawang and Guwahati in India, a road is being constructed through the Bhutanese territory. Why is this relevant to us paranormal/crypto enthusiasts? If you recall, the Bhutan territory is home to the Yeti and the recent controversy of possible Yeti hairs found by the television show crew

  • Loch Ness:New Pictures Of Nessie8

    • November 26, 2010

    Guess who’s back? Yup, Nessie! The folklore, turned myth, turned hoax, turned sightings, turned reality, turned…whatever monster is back in the news. Richard Preston is said to be the latest witness to have spotted and photographed what he (and many) believe to be Nessie. While working on the Aldourie Castle gardens, Mr. Preston noticed something