• A Violent Abduction In 1978

    A Violent Abduction In 19780

    • October 10, 2015

    It was 1978 and Luis Carlos Serra was out collecting guavas in a remote jungle area near his village in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. The teenager was alone when he heard a loud siren-like noise coming from the sky above him. High above the towering palm trees, a bright light rained down on Luis. Within

  • Knowles Family UFO Encounter

    Knowles Family UFO Encounter5

    • September 30, 2015

      January 20th, 1988. It was four o’clock in the morning when the Knowles family drove through the Nullarbor Plain in the southern part of Australia. Faye and her three sons Patrick, 24, Sean, 21, and 18 year-old Wayne were traveling with their two dogs when a strange light up caught their attention. Sean was

  • Alor & Pantar Islands: Strange Visitors In 1959

    Alor & Pantar Islands: Strange Visitors In 19592

    • September 23, 2015

    From a distance, the villagers could see the strange men in strange suits walking around the remote side of the island. The villagers stared in terrorizing disbelief as the humanoid beings approached them. They reported them as humanoid-looking with a reddish skin tone and long silvery-white hair. The beings wore a skin-tight suit that was

  • A Strange Visit In 1954

    A Strange Visit In 19541

    • September 15, 2015

    Jessie Rosenberg holding a rendition of her visitors It was October 21st, 1954, when Jessie Rosenberg stepped outside of her home in West Midlands, England. Mrs. Rosenberg, then aged 29 had gone outside to investigate a strange hissing sound that made her uneasy. Outside, her two children were laying low on the grass. They were

  • The Dechmont Woods Encounter

    The Dechmont Woods Encounter2

    • September 14, 2015

        In November of 1979 Robert Taylor, A forester from West Lothian, Scotland, was on a routine inspection of some trees growing deep inside the dense Dechmont Forest. Taylor, a sixteen year tenure at Livingston Development Corporation, had been doing inspections in that area before and as far as he was concerned, it was to

  • Maitland UFO Lights: A Close Encounter In 1926

    Maitland UFO Lights: A Close Encounter In 19261

    • September 8, 2015

    [su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]O[/su_dropcap] n a quiet and muggy July night in 1926 a woman awoke to loud noises outside of her house in the outskirts of rural Maitland, Canada. Looking outside she saw strange lights hovering a few hundred feet next to her farm. Terrified and confused, the woman couldn’t do anything but stare in

  • Father Gill: Close Encounter In Papau New Guinea

    Father Gill: Close Encounter In Papau New Guinea1

    • July 24, 2015

      On the night of June 27th, 1959, Australian missionary William Gill stood outside in the warm darkness that surrounds the island of Papau New Guinea. His gaze was set straight towards the crystal clear skies along with the steady gaze of twenty five other witnesses. For the second time that week, the craft-like UFOs

  • No Signs Of Missing Hiker Who Reported Strange Cave

    No Signs Of Missing Hiker Who Reported Strange Cave39

    • June 23, 2015

    Veach in a video explaining the strange cave he found in the Nevada desert In November of 2014 Kenny Veach, a 47 year-old experienced hiker ventured off into the Nevada desert in search of a strange cave he had spotted during a previous hike near the Nellis Air Force Base. According to a comment he

  • 1973 UFO Encounter In New Hampshire

    1973 UFO Encounter In New Hampshire6

    • April 7, 2015

        It was around 2:45 A.M. on a Friday morning in 1973 that Lyndia Morel found herself fighting sleep behind the wheel of her car. As she drove down New Hampshire’s interstate, a bright light caught her attention. The further she drove, the brighter and closer the object in the sky became. Soon, her

  • The 1987 Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph

    The 1987 Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph13

    • March 13, 2015

    The cold and dreary moorland in England known as Ilkley Moor is a place in which you don’t want to get stuck after the sun goes down. When a freezing chill begins to sink low to the ground and the surrounding darkness is met with an encroaching menacing fog. A place where hazard-friendly trails snake

  • Angel Hair Over Arizona

    Angel Hair Over Arizona8

    • December 28, 2014

    Angel Hair Phenomenon Greetings, forteans. I come bearing creepy videos. Here’s something very interesting for you from Arizona, captured at the D. S.W. Observatory on 23rd December. Have a look, and let me know what you think. Angel hair is believed to be a cobweb-like substance scattered by flying UFOs. The US Air Force defines

  • Strange ‘Gray Creature’ Spotted In Ohio

    Strange ‘Gray Creature’ Spotted In Ohio13

    • December 23, 2014

    Ohio’s Highland County Press posted a story of a strange encounter on a dark and lonely road near Highland County. The article is about a MUFON report of a strange gray creature that was spotted crossing a highway. The creature was described to be around seven feet tall with lanky muscular legs. In fact, the


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