• Nurture Or Nature? Born A Skpetic Or Born A Believer

    Nurture Or Nature? Born A Skpetic Or Born A Believer1

    • October 22, 2012

    There are no UFOs Ghosts, or discoveries of Cryptids in this story. There is nothing strange, unexplained or out of the ordinary to read here. This story is about regular everyday normal people. The sort of people who believe in the above, and the sort like me who question it. From Secular News Daily.com Sceptics

  • Amazing UFO Seen Over Crete – Updated Credit Added

    Amazing UFO Seen Over Crete – Updated Credit Added20

    • October 4, 2012

    I’ve seen a lot of UFO pictures in my time, but occasionally one comes along that for the life of me, I just can’t logically explain. Now I have to depend on our UFO ID expert Henry and I’m not so sure even Henry can come up with a feasible explanation on this one. A

  • Video: “Night Stalker” Terrorizes Family

    Video: “Night Stalker” Terrorizes Family12

    • September 26, 2012

    When I do my rounds I usually stop by Youtube and throw in some keywords to see what’s current. Today, I found a new video that seems somewhat interesting, so I thought our readers would enjoy debating about it. Recently a family in the Four Corners area of New Mexico contacted JC Johnson of Crypto

  • Is This A Sasquatch?

    Is This A Sasquatch?29

    • September 21, 2012

    Yesterday (09/20/12), Youtuber Mark Anders uploaded a video of some pictures he took in Ranchita California in September 2011. Mark was recently going through some photos when he realized that the figure behind a pile of twisted tree limbs was not part of the pile. At first he was upset because this head had ruined

  • Woman Allegedly Gives Birth To Horse19

    • September 17, 2012

    Alright people, I don’t make em up, I just report em! Of all the bizarre claims I’ve ever come across in my 20 years here at GT, this has to be top three on the list. According to a story in the Nigerian Tribune, a woman gave birth to a horse during a service at

  • New Nessie Proof… Fail!

    New Nessie Proof… Fail!5

    • September 3, 2012

    I dropped the ball on bringing you this story when it was news, but now have the opportunity to redeem myself to bring you the follow up, or the cover up depending on your perspective. According to the August 3, Daily Mail Online: ‘The most convincing Nessie photograph ever’: Skipper claims to have finally found

  • Video: What Is This Bizarre Anomaly? (New Video Update Added)30

    • July 17, 2012

    While going through the latest MUFON reports, I found something that has me completely stumped. In fact, It was so odd that I started checking with some experts in various fields of the unknown. These are people who have seen just about everything. The response I got back was the same “what the heck is

  • Two Year Old Boy Dies Twice: Sits Up In Coffin – Speaks To Father!

    Two Year Old Boy Dies Twice: Sits Up In Coffin – Speaks To Father!6

    • June 8, 2012

    This is from the annals of the strange and macabre. It seems during a funeral in Brazil, 2 year old Kelvin Santos who was pronounced dead on Friday, June 1, sat up in his coffin. We all would call this a miracle but that’s not the end of the story. Apparently Kelvin asked for a

  • Fruits of The Gods… Goes Well with Nuts

    Fruits of The Gods… Goes Well with Nuts5

    • April 10, 2012

    I remember reading “Chariots of The Gods” not long after it came out (yes I am that old, but still pretty spry) and believing every word of it, the feeling of revelation it had for me, and complaining to my mother to make older brother take me along to see the movie when it came

  • Video: Giant Mummified Finger Found In Egypt

    Video: Giant Mummified Finger Found In Egypt3

    • March 12, 2012

    Giants…..In the Bible they called them Nephilim and they were quite often slain in battle. In Greek Mythology they were known as Gigantes, or the children of Gaia. To this day, when you speak of giants you speak of wonder and mystery. As giants go, so to goes a rich and legendary history of super

  • Video: Authentic UFO Or Amazing CGI?

    Video: Authentic UFO Or Amazing CGI?15

    • February 21, 2012

    While making my rounds this morning I came across a video that caught my attention. As much as I don’t want to believe the subject is real, it’s difficult to Pfft! it away. The Youtube video was brought to us by StephenHannardADGUK and is in fact so good, I have to applaud this gentleman’s talent

  • Jay Man: Is This The Source Of The Mystery Sounds?

    Jay Man: Is This The Source Of The Mystery Sounds?9

    • January 27, 2012

    I was poking around a little bit this morning while waiting for the websites in the UK to come back online here in the US and happened across the story of “Jay Man” It seems that this guy known only by that moniker registered the domain, “strangesoundsinthesky.com”. Not impressed? Well, lets take it a step


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