• Another “Chupacabra” In Texas? Come On…

    Another “Chupacabra” In Texas? Come On…10

    • July 13, 2011

    Why would…who would…how does… Forget it. Just call my Sisyphus. Here is another dissemination of truth from media. Although the article points to it being a mangy coyote, the way it’s presented (especially the video) it seems like everyone at ABC news is baffled by this. Texas has produced tons of photos and reports of

  • “Lizard Man” Back In South Carolina?19

    • July 9, 2011

    In 1988 a media circus descended in Lee County, South Carolina. When the local newspapers printed out an odd story about a seven foot tall, three-clawed “Lizard man” that was spotted in South Carolina’s lush vegetation, news agencies, as well as spectators came from all over the United States. It seemed that everyone wanted to

  • Could U.S. Floods Bring Out Bigfoot?27

    • June 8, 2011

    Attending a low-funded public high school in one of California’s desert cities, I found myself out of place with the rest of the crowd; I guess I can say that most teenagers around the world feel out of place at some time or another. Hormones I suppose. I felt displaced, so as soon as I

  • Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage26

    • June 4, 2011

    I find it exciting when some GhostTheory reader contacts me via email with a subject line that reads “Have you seen this?“. It’s almost always something good. I always expect something extremely interesting story-wise. Such was the case when Bruce K. contacted me a few days ago. In his email, he asked me if I

  • “Mersey Monster” Could Be Just A Shark13

    • May 26, 2011

    A photograph was taken of a strange creature that appeared in the waters of Mersey. What’s strange about creature is its profile as it emerged from the water just in time for Mark Harrison to snap a quick photo. At first glance the creature looks reptilian, like the jaws of a dinosaur poking out the

  • Mystery Creatures Causing Panic In Vietnam4

    • May 23, 2011

    Pet dogs found missing internal organs and their head? Unidentified footprints and roars heard throughout the night, these are the strange reports that are coming from several people from Binh Dong, Vietnam. Many people have reported seeing these dog-like creatures roaming about, some even have reported being attacked by them. The descriptions of these creatures

  • After 113 Years, Strange Mammal Appears14

    • May 20, 2011

    If this isn’t a surprisingly exciting news post, I don’t know what is. Actually, yes I do. Probably the day we get definite proof of Bigfoot, then we can post a real surprisingly exciting news post. For now, this will do. Researchers from one of Colombia’s nature reserve stumbled upon a small guinea-pig-sized rodent that

  • Yeti Skull & Hand Replicas Going To Nepal Monastery3

    • April 29, 2011

    No, not the real stolen Yeti skull and hand, just a replica. Out of the kindness of his heart, Mike Allsop managed to get some special effects team to create replicas of the stolen Yeti skull and hand from the Pangboche Monastery. The said Yeti artifacts were stolen in the 1990s and have not been

  • Are These The Remains Of A Chupacabra?15

    • April 27, 2011

    Chilean workers believe to have unearthed the bones of a Chupacabras In the city of Pucón, Chile, workers were stopped dead in their tracks as they accidentally dug up a bizarre skeleton. The remains are said to be out of this world. Described as having a cat-like head and the tail of a rat, the

  • ‘Shape-shifting Monster’ Terrorizes South African Town24

    • April 26, 2011

    A South African town is being plagued by reports of a ‘shape-shifting monster’ according to News24. The town of Karoo has had many reports filed to its police department about sightings of a creature who at times changes from a man, to a pig and to a bat. I’m not joking, the police are looking

  • Did the El Chupacabra Craze Start with a Movie?4

    • March 25, 2011

    Benjamin Radford, managing editor of the journal The Skeptical Inquirer has made the bold claim that El Chupacabra was actually born from a movie. Furthermore, he claims he can prove it. Although I’ve never been a fan of the Chup craze (just a silly myth IMO) there are thousands that believe these menacing goat suckers

  • Video: Bigfoot Hunted By Helicopter ?35

    • March 16, 2011

    My husband and I took our kids target shooting. A helicopter was over our heads the entire time annoying us. We thought at first they were curious of why and what we were shooting. Later when we watched the video we noticed something that looked like bigfoot running in the trees. We assume now the


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