No ghosts in this Irish road, says a resident
This week I posted a story from Ireland, in which a small town is said to harbor a ghost of a woman. Seen throughout the day, the ghostly apparition made headlines.
Of course we here at GhostTheory only reported the news headline. We did not make any investigations.
First, we do not think measuring temperatures and capturing EVPs will advance the paranormal research that much and secondly, we are in Los Angeles.
This “Traffic jam ghost” made headlines this week drawing more attention to the town and obviously upsetting the residents.
I received an email today from a resident from Coalisland, Ireland. The resident who we will call “mark” is pretty upset at the situation. Claiming that there are no ghosts in the town and that this is all media rubbish.
Now, let me remind you that we (Joe and myself) here at GhostTheory only report these stories to you so that you can form your own educated opinion. We always go into any story/case with an open mind. Open, but skeptical.
Here is a part of the email sent to me today from Mark:
please see the email i sent to warren of NIPRA
Ok people, time to put your your minds at rest and put this nonscence to rest. I have lived in the Mullaghmoyle area all my life – I have walked that road, past that very spot in day, at night, with other people and by myself and i have even been in the house and within the grounds. I have never seen nor heard about a ghost related to this jackanorry story. However, I have seen a ‘display’ that occurs when you drive at night with lights on (of course) heading from Brackaville down the hill. This ‘beam’ of light does not always appear. An uncle of mine pointed it out to me 20 years ago (when even Dora Gilmore was alive) whilst driving with him but it took me dozens of nights before he could successfully point it out to me. Look see, listen to local people who have actually lived in the area longer than a blink of the eye (i.e. Shanock residents) and have been drinking in The Four Corners (best known as Franky Campbell’s) longer that it takes to down a shot. THERE IS NO GHOST. Well, if it sells newspapers etc then it serves the media’s purpose!!!!!!!!!!”
Please carry out your tests and bring forward your conclusion that there is no ghost at Mullaghmoyle Road“
Straight from the horse’s mouth!