• Video: USO Probe Filmed Running Sailboat Off

    Video: USO Probe Filmed Running Sailboat Off13

    • September 26, 2011

    This is a strange one but I wanted to stick to the theme Javier started with the vanishing story. Reported on September 17, a group of people on a boat off the coast of Sweden observed a small white orb that seemed to be chasing them. The bright white orb was obviously under intelligent control

  • Vanished: Was the crew of the Kaz II abducted?

    Vanished: Was the crew of the Kaz II abducted?17

    • September 24, 2011

    The sea. Man’s nightmares and curiosities lie within its seemingly eternal abyss. Countless tales and explorations revolve around its mystery. None can capture the great vastness that inhabits the world’s oceans. It leaves the curious to wonder: “What monstrous beasts lurk through the depths of the abyss?”     The sea was a bit choppy

  • Mystery Creature in China (Solved by GTer haywoodzarathustra)

    Mystery Creature in China (Solved by GTer haywoodzarathustra)11

    • September 23, 2011

    So, this is how it went down: An Anonymous man walks into eastern China’s Wenling zoo and hands zookeepers an odd looking animal. Sounds like a feasible occurrence, except, nobody can identify the small furry creature with the big brown eyes. It’s definitely an interesting little guy with a long nose and strange paws with

  • Friday Video: The Ghostman of Skye

    Friday Video: The Ghostman of Skye9

    • September 23, 2011

    Every now and then a paranormal documentary comes along that totally gives me the creeps. It’s rare, since most of the documentaries out there that deal with the paranormal are horribly directed and produced. The documentaries that are subtle and include firsthand testimonies are those that have the elegance of simplicity and storytelling that sends

  • Last Meal on Death Row: What Would You Order?

    Last Meal on Death Row: What Would You Order?11

    • September 23, 2011

    Since Texas is in the news today for eliminating the traditional “special meal”, I thought it might be the perfect time to address some of our more primitive inclinations. While I applaud Texas I do wonder how much time Sen. Whitmire spent on getting it repealed. I also wonder if he shouldn’t be spending his

  • Israeli News Uncovers The “Jerusalem UFO Video” Hoax

    Israeli News Uncovers The “Jerusalem UFO Video” Hoax63

    • September 22, 2011

    I guess it was only a matter of time before we all learned the truth behind the enigmatic UFO videos that made headlines across the world. And isn’t that always the case? The only way to unravel a mystery is through time. In this case, the mystery looks more like a hoax. Israel’s channel 10

  • Supernatural Science: It’s in the Hair

    Supernatural Science: It’s in the Hair28

    • September 22, 2011

    Those that have seriously hunted Bigfoot know first hand just how difficult it is to actually witness one in the flesh. Sasquatch always seems to be several steps ahead of those that seek it out. Some would attribute psychic ability to supernatural powers, I say it’s part of us, our built in senses. It’s an

  • Cheap Rental Turns Into Nightmare

    Cheap Rental Turns Into Nightmare11

    • September 21, 2011

    As I often enjoy reading Jason Offutt, I happened by there today. It would seem that due to the decline of print news, Jason’s blog/column has been dropped from the newspaper it was being printed in. While Jason isn’t asking for donations, there is a donate button over at his “From the Shadows” blog. What

  • Daily Mail Releases Nessie Sonar Photos

    Daily Mail Releases Nessie Sonar Photos8

    • September 20, 2011

    But don’t get your hopes up. As all other evidence for the unexplained, this one is very subjective. For some reason the Daily Mail only printed the story and not posted the photos online. lochnessmystery.blogspot.com has the full transcription of the article the Daily Mail wrote on the supposed radar blip that some claim shows

  • Nicolas Cage Accused Of Being a Vampire: No Really!

    Nicolas Cage Accused Of Being a Vampire: No Really!56

    • September 19, 2011

    An Ebay seller going by the name of Jack Mord is selling a Civil War Era photograph of what looks to be the spitting image of Nicolas Cage. The asking price? 1 million smackers! While Mord may be just using the vampire shtick to sell the photo, it is rather eerie. In fact, Cage himself

  • Bigfoot Living In My Backyard Claims Ohio Woman

    Bigfoot Living In My Backyard Claims Ohio Woman13

    • September 19, 2011

    You would wonder how Bigfoot would end up in Ohio but according to some, they are there. One woman in particular claims that there is a family of the creatures living near her Londonderry, Ohio home. The woman known only as Sherry was interviewed by Sharon Lee of the Bigfoot Field Reporter in August 2010.

  • The Mysterious “Lead Masks Case”

    The Mysterious “Lead Masks Case”25

    • September 18, 2011

    It’s 1966, Jorge da Costa Alves finds himself flying a kite one afternoon in the nearby Vintém Hill, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As the 18 year old Jorge walks around Vintém Hill, he makes the macabre discovery of two bodies laying side by side in the tall weeds. The bodies were of two


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