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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Dr. William Roll 1926 – 2012

    Dr. William Roll 1926 – 20124

    Rest In Peace Dr. William G. Roll. For those who know a little about parapsychology, Dr. William Roll was a pioneer in the poltergeist sector. He investigated high-profile cases like the infamous “A haunting in Georgia” or the Tina Resch case. He’s been investigating and debunking thousands of cases since the late 1940s. Dr. William

  • Did A UFO Fly Past Saturn’s Moon?

    Did A UFO Fly Past Saturn’s Moon?17

    In 2004, the Cassini spacecraft entered Saturn’s orbit. It was sent to study the planet and its surrounding moons. Titan is one of Saturn’s largest moon. With an “earth-like” atmosphere, the moon is said to be rich in organic chemistry and full of craters and what appear to be rivers and lakes of liquid ethane

  • Video: Mt. Bisbino UFOs

    Video: Mt. Bisbino UFOs9

    This awesome video was uploaded by OPENMINDZTV to YouTube. It’s not clear who recorded the video, but I have to admit that it is one of the clearest UFO videos to date. The UFO lights were filmed over Italy’s Mt. Bisbino on January 7th, 2012. The clover-shaped lights appear on a clear sky and seem

  • Todd Standing’s 2011 Sylvanic Sasquatch Compilation

    Todd Standing’s 2011 Sylvanic Sasquatch Compilation9

        Todd Standing is back! A new compilation video is up on YouTube that showcases his team’s findings. Full source: Sylvanic.com We are a growing group of independent researchers working towards definitive proof and protection of the species commonly referred to as Bigfoot. In 2005 our initial group consisted of a cooperation of 4


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