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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • ‘Scorpions’ Found On Venus?

    ‘Scorpions’ Found On Venus?13

    Could Venus hold life? The terribly hot surfaces of Venus have always been know to be arid and desolate. One scientist however, believes that there might be alien creatures who are able to survive such extreme temperatures. His proof? 30 year old photos of the landing of a Soviet probe in Venus. According to Leonid

  • Strange Sounds From The Sky & 2012

    Strange Sounds From The Sky & 201234

    You know, usually my mind wanders off far too many times than what I’d like to admit. Usually these thoughts consist of things like: what tasks I need to complete  at work, or what’s going on here on GhostTheory. Sometimes I think about fun articles to write, other times I obsess over the technical skills

  • Meryl Streep’s Guesthouse Haunted?

    Meryl Streep’s Guesthouse Haunted?2

      Actress Meryl Streep is convinced that her Connecticut home is haunted, according to this Times of India article. The actress claims that loud crashing sounds have been heard in her house. Sounds like that of a grand piano crashing to the floor. When she investigated, she noted that nothing was out of place or

  • DailyMail’s “Alien Aircraft” Photos

    DailyMail’s “Alien Aircraft” Photos7

            The photo above is what’s being passed around as “Alien aircraft” over at the DailyMail UK. Without going into any photo-analysis, I can tell you right away what these objects are. I’ve seen the same hoax perpetrated on some online forums. What the DailyMail posted up were photographs of the reflections


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