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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • New Zealand Releases ‘X Files’ To The Public

    New Zealand Releases ‘X Files’ To The Public4

    Here we go again. Another government takes a step in the right direction. New Zealand has just released official UFO reports from the years 1952 to 2009. In a digital library collection, the UFO reports fill up nine volumes of civilian and military reports on the little green men. Click on any of the following

  • The Televised Alien Broadcast Of 1977

    The Televised Alien Broadcast Of 197722

    The droning chatter of the evening news filed thousands of homes late one November evening in 1977. As the anchorman unenthusiastically reads the top world headlines, the audio portion of the televised feed was interrupted. The hijack of the Southern Television broadcast came not from pranksters looking for a cheap thrill, but from an extraterrestrial

  • Former Pentagon Consultant: Eisenhower Met With Aliens

    Former Pentagon Consultant: Eisenhower Met With Aliens19

    It’s no surprise when an author goes public and announces some wild accusations against some famous person. It’s an old trick for some cheap and easy publicity. So when author Timothy Good came out stating that former U.S. President Eisenhower had met with extraterrestrials in some military base in New Mexico, people rolled their eyes.

  • Poop Powered Robots

    Poop Powered Robots4

    Yes, you read that right. There are some groups that are hard at work creating self-sufficient robots that power themselves by eating and digesting organic matter. Stuff like organic garbage, foliage, and even human feces. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been funding this “Eco-Bot” project and there are big plans for getting this


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