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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • No, There’s No Monolith On Mars. Or Is There?

    No, There’s No Monolith On Mars. Or Is There?15

    Poor old Mars. Ever since we’ve pointed our telescopes on its red terrain, we’ve been spinning crazy tales of life possibly existing in the dry and barren planet. From little green men that were once believed to inhabit the planet, to tales of giant humanoid faces carved from stone and left for future generations to

  • Mirage Men: A Journey Into Paranoia, Disinformation & UFOs

    Mirage Men: A Journey Into Paranoia, Disinformation & UFOs2

    Based on the book “Mirage Men: A Journey Into Paranoia, Disinformation & UFOs” by Mark Pilkington, a new documentary has been released. Or is soon to be released I should say. Mirage Men was filmed during Pilkington’s research on his book. Conducting interviews and digging up archives, this new documentary on UFOs looks promising for

  • St. Petersburg Residents Film UFOs

    St. Petersburg Residents Film UFOs8

    Some four people captured these strange lights hovering above St. Petersburg on Monday night. The lights were probably viewed by many more, since they shone in a brilliant orange glow against the dark sky. There were several videos uploaded to YouTube which shows the lights in different angles. “I filmed this out of the window

  • UFO Filmed From Passenger Airplane

    UFO Filmed From Passenger Airplane10

    Crazybreakingnews posted the following video on YouTube. The video is title: “UFO Caught From Airplane – Seoul, South Korea – April 07, 2012” and the description posted by the same user goes like this: Again…, another UFO that was caught from an Airplane! This UFO was filmed by a passenger over the City of Seoul


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