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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • UFO Buzzes Irish Police Helicopter?

    UFO Buzzes Irish Police Helicopter?6

    The following video was recently uploaded to YouTube and is said to show an unidentified flying object hovering around a police helicopter on the outskirts of West Belfast, Ireland. According to the person who uploaded this video, the object seemed to be composed of three large spheres that appeared to be stuck together. The outskirts

  • Commercial Pilot Reports UFO At Kansas City International Airport

    Commercial Pilot Reports UFO At Kansas City International Airport5

    At 30,000 feet above sea level it is almost a fact that your perception of distance, depth, and size will be compromised. Up there, there are virtually no points of reference. However, this only applies to us passengers who sit and stare out the small oval windows. For a pilot, the high-tech instrumentation and training

  • Woman Encounters Sasquatch Near Yakima Washington

    Woman Encounters Sasquatch Near Yakima Washington12

    Alright gang, time to play detective. The following video testimony comes from a family that had went camping deep in the Washington mountains and encountered a large bipedal creature. The woman in the video explains her encounter with the strange creature believed to be Bigfoot. From her testimony, she describes the creature 10-11 feet tall

  • The Deadly Black Blob Of Venezuela

    The Deadly Black Blob Of Venezuela17

    Like any other road on any other highway, the Venezuelan highway system is plagued with potholes, animal crossings, and the proverbial dead man’s turn. However something else lurks in the Venezuelan roads and it has taken the lives of 1,800 motorists within the past five years. What this something is remains a mystery to the


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