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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Anomalous Lights On Mars Seen By Curiosity Rover

    Anomalous Lights On Mars Seen By Curiosity Rover7

    A couple of strange lights have been recorded by the Mars Curiosity Rover a few days ago. The first anomalous light can be seen ascending into the sky, from far away. The second light is seen traveling on Mars’ horizon. The rover recorded the light traveling from the left side of the horizon to the

  • MOD To UK: Screw UFOs!

    MOD To UK: Screw UFOs!5

      It was inevitable. The UK’s Ministry Of Defense has declared (once and for all) that they will stop all funding for UFO investigations and instead allocate that money to national defense projects. In recent news, the head of UK Air Traffic Control had briefly mentioned in a radio interview that in the UK, at


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