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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Adult and Juvenile Sasquatch Footprints

    Adult and Juvenile Sasquatch Footprints13

    Bigfoot Evidence posted the following image on their website along with a few paragraphs of information about it. Apparently a hunter known on Facebook as Hardcore Outdoors found some strange human-like tracks near his campsite. The tracks measure thirteen inches long, which to Bigfoot standards is fairly small. The obviously interesting part of this photograph

  • Afterlife Is Real: A Doctor’s Near Death Experience

    Afterlife Is Real: A Doctor’s Near Death Experience21

    The afterlife. We’ve all heard stories of those who temporarily have crossed over and came back with grandiose tales and descriptions of faraway lands and universes. We’ve all either ignored them or believed them, depending on your beliefs. For the skeptics, these “faraway lands” have nothing to do with the divine, but rather the intricate,

  • New Jersey Mystery Booms

    New Jersey Mystery Booms10

    View more videos at: http://nbcphiladelphia.com. Manchester Township, NJ is the latest town in the news that is reporting strange booms shaking up the residents. We’ve been covering the worldwide phenomena here on GhostTheory for awhile now. From Europe to the Americas to the United States, these strange incidents are leaving thousands of people wondering what’s

  • Full Bodied Apparition Caught On Video

    Full Bodied Apparition Caught On Video19

    Strange. The Anomalist recently posted a link to an interesting YouTube video in which is said to show a “full bodied apparition”. My paranormal team investigated a 120 year old building (now a deli) and while investigating in the raised ceiling area (now a walk-in attic) we caught one of the most amazing pieces of


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