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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • NASA: ‘Comet Of The Century’ Is Coming

    NASA: ‘Comet Of The Century’ Is Coming6

    Nasa’s Swift satellite took a break from its boring job of scanning the universe for gamma-ray explosions, and instead focused its polished eye towards a tiny bright dot in the distance. The dot is Comet ISON. An universal-loner, ISON is speeding towards our solar system and expected to give us a spectacular show across the

  • The Unknown Object Inside Messier 82

    The Unknown Object Inside Messier 8220

    Twelve million light-years away from Earth exists the Cigar Galaxy, known as Messier 82. This brilliant starburst galaxy lives in the Ursa Major (Large Bear) constellation. Messier 82 shines bright amongst the entire universe, five times brighter than our Milky Way. This isolated conglomerate has burned bright in the retinas of our ancestors and has

  • Vice Documentary: Valley of the UFOs

    Vice Documentary: Valley of the UFOs0

      One of the few great magazines/E-zine out there is Vice. They cover everything from fashion to civil wars. Vice’s avant-garde documentaries are also just as eclectic as their journalism palette.One recent documentary titled ‘Valley of the UFOs‘ was host in the forgotten town of Hooper, Colorado. With their one hundred and five residents, Hooper

  • NASA On Asteroids: ‘If It’s Coming In 3 Weeks, Pray.’

    NASA On Asteroids: ‘If It’s Coming In 3 Weeks, Pray.’14

    GhostTheory’s newest staff member, Lindsay, has been busy with the social media side of the website. If you haven’t visited or ‘Liked’ us yet, pay her a visit at our Facebook page. This week Lindsay posted an interesting article by EarthSky that talks about the potential catastrophic dangers that a wild asteroid could bring to


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