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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • ‘From Beyond’…Belief. Another Paranormal Reality Show

    ‘From Beyond’…Belief. Another Paranormal Reality Show28

        If there is one thing GhostTheory readers know about me, is that I hate despise paranormal reality television shows. I do. And I say that wiith a total and utter passion. I tend to write less about these shows nowadays.  After awhile, it just begins to feel like a Sisyphean task. There’s this

  • Alien Statue Unveiled In Russia’s UFO Hotspot

    Alien Statue Unveiled In Russia’s UFO Hotspot8

    The following was sent to me by GhostTheory reader ‘elhombre‘. Molebka, Russia, has been called the latest UFO hot spot in the world. Others, believe that this place is much more than just an UFO magnet. They believe that Molebka could be an anomalous zone. What makes it so are the reports of balls of

  • Russian Town Claims Vampire Creature Attacking Livestock

    Russian Town Claims Vampire Creature Attacking Livestock5

     EDIT: Updated location. A reader pointed out my mistake. It’s been a long morning folks… The town near Novosibirsk, one of Siberia’s largest cities, is experiencing pandemonium due to findings of a mutilated goat. The goat was found with its neck broken, belly slashed by large claws and its blood drained. As more reports of

  • Saudia Arabia: Djinn Blamed For Attack

    Saudia Arabia: Djinn Blamed For Attack21

    Djinns or Genies are creatures with supernatural power in the Islamic religion. Like humans,They come in all shapes and sizes, and can be good or evil. Just like us. In fact, it’s believed in most Islamic traditions that Humans, Djinns and Angels are all the masterful creations of Allah. Only the first two (humans and


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