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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Dr. Barry Taff Fundraiser

    Dr. Barry Taff Fundraiser5

    SAVE BARRY TAFF This a fundraiser created on behalf of Dr. Barry Taff. Known primarily for the infamous “entity” case, Dr. Taff is a brilliant Parapsychologist and author of the new book “Aliens Above Ghosts Below.” Currently Barry is in trouble. He was diagnosed with a severe form of cataract in both of his eyes,

  • Video: Irish shopping Center Poltergeist

    Video: Irish shopping Center Poltergeist14

    Our friends over at LeinsterParanormal informed us of a video that is said to show poltergeist activity in an Irish shopping center. The CCTV video shows a janitor mopping in the Dublin shopping center called Jervis, when an apple from a nearby fruit stand falls off and rolls to a stop in the middle of

  • Berlin UFO Video

    Berlin UFO Video8

    Longtime GhostTheory reader Peter P. sent us the following link to a YouTube video which shows an unidentified object that is seen hovering above Berlin. The footage was shot last month and shows an interesting grouping of strange lights floating in the evening sky. Peter was kind enough to take a crack at translating the

  • Alexandra Holzer Interviews Brad Steiger

    Alexandra Holzer Interviews Brad Steiger3

    In her article titled “Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Aliens Oh My…” on the HuffingtonPost, Alexandra Holzer, daughter of the late Hans Holzer, gets into the mind of Brad Steiger. Steiger has written several books on the paranormal, as well as been the television hosts for shows dealing with the same subject. He talks about his personal


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