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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Video: Unidentified Flying Object Vanishes Over London

    Video: Unidentified Flying Object Vanishes Over London12

    I’ve been seeing a lot of UFO videos lately, and as usual, most represent a blurry and shaky mosaic of pixelated nothingness. Regardless of what the headlines say, the videos are rarely clear and stable enough for someone to make sense of what it is they’re looking at exactly. That’s what I expected when I

  • Smuggled UFO Turns Out To Be A Military Drone

    Smuggled UFO Turns Out To Be A Military Drone2

    So much for the fun mystery. It turns out that the “Smuggled Kansas UFO” was in fact a military drone. Gizmodo updates us on the latest: the UTO (unidentified towed object) was actually an X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System, a drone designed to operate from aircraft carriers. Northrop Grumman has confirmed they were shipping the

  • 25 Dead Ponies Mystery Baffles Police

    25 Dead Ponies Mystery Baffles Police10

    Not to bring a damper to your holiday cheer, but this is just too strange to pass up. The Sydney Morning Herald has a post about something completely bizarre and disturbing. 25 ponies have been dumped near a cliff in Northern NSW, Australia. Some of the animals were in early stages of decomposition. Those that

  • UFO Fleet Flying Over Chile

    UFO Fleet Flying Over Chile4

      Edit: The video is said to have been shot in Chile, even though the video states that it was shot in Kansas. Further online searches yielded no further information. The video was uploaded to YouTube by AnonymousFO. What this video claims to show is a “fleet of orb UFOs, flying in formation over Chile.” Not


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