‘Dead Alien’ Video Is A Hoax

Thanks to GT reader ElHombre for the news tip

According to the news website, Russia Today, the “alien” in the now infamous video was supposedly constructed using a chicken, some bread crumbs and some paint.

The story goes that an editor for the news site, Kabansk-Info, believed the alien in the video to be the corpse of an infant, a human infant, and alerted the police. After digging out the information of the person who uploaded the video on YouTube, the Russian police visited the teenager’s home.

Upon arrival, the police were shown the dummy that was created for the hoax.

the alien was made of bread and chicken, and given a lick of paint to look more authentic.

At the moment, we have not further information on this besides what Russia Today is reporting. Although no real report has come forward about the teenagers and the dummy that was supposedly used for the prank, I still find it difficult to believe that this is a “chicken and bread” alien. Then again, I find it even more difficult to believe that this is an actual alien being.

Full source: RT news

A video of what was claimed to be a mutilated alien corpse, which scored hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, has turned out to be fake.
The tiny “dead alien” is just skin from chicken filled with bread, reports the website 7d.org.ua. Police questioned the men who claimed to have found the “body” and they allegedly confessed to creating it themselves.
The chief editor of the local Kabansk-Info newspaper initially thought that it was the body of an infant in the video and alerted the police. Officers immediately started the investigation and identified the alleged author.
They went to his house and asked him about the infant’s body. The scared man reportedly showed a fake alien corpse. It was even painted in “alien colors”. Scolding is the only possible punishment for such a stunt as it cannot be considered a crime, the report says.
The footage was taken near the village of Kamensk in the Russian republic Buryatia, just north of Lake Baikal, the file’s description said.
It showed what appeared to be a humanoid body less than a meter high with a skeletal big-eyed head and thin naked body. One of its legs was missing.
Emotional off-screen comments said the body was found a couple of hours before and was clearly very dead.
Local media reported there were numerous reports of UFO sightings in the area in March, some of them later attributed to bombing training at a nearby military range.
The video was uploaded on YouTube on April 14. Three days later it was translated into English and its popularity skyrocketed in the following days. It beat the one million benchmark on Tuesday.

