Are these Shadow People or Just a Prank?


Randomgal over at Unexplained Mysteries has posted some interesting pictures. According to one of the other tenants in her building who is heavy into paranormal there are nine demons in the apartment house. The first thing I thought of  when I saw the pics was Shadow Man/Person. I have to admit, fake or not, they do send a little chill up your spine. I know that several of our regular posters claim to have seen a Shadow Man/Person including Javier.  Hey, the ghost hunter tenant even claims that one of these things bit his brother on the arm! A Shadow Shark if you will. I thought it would be interesting to get everyone’s take on this story.

I work at an apartment community and our fitness center & clubhouse is connected to our leasing office. One of our residents (who just happens to be one of those people who go looking for paranormal stuff) told us that there are demons in our building. He said one threw something at his brother and they turn the lights on and off, and during the off lights one time his brother was bitten on his arm. He says he has seen them and spoken to them. He said this is always late at night. He even brought in a recording they took one night where they asked how many of them there were, and I heard a female voice clearly say “nine” (more like whisper). Last night he told us he would go back and take some pictures in our clubhouse which is where most of the activity is, and my manager and I are totally creeped out by this. Of course, it could be nothing, but I swear I see what we all saw…a dark shadow of a man or some being with some sort of black cape. I can also see a distorted face.

I’m posting the pics here to see if anyone else can see it, and maybe to get some opinions or get some light shed on this. This guy wants my manager and I to go to our building with him tomorrow night at midnight to prove it to us so we can see with our own eyes…but I’m too freaked out to go!

Posted Image

Source: Unexplained-Mysteries

Now I don’t know what’s going on here and for all the information available it could be just a guy with too much time on his hands trying to scare the rest of the tenants. Of course that would be cruel IMO as many people believe in this stuff. Then again when you consider the types of people out there it’s not that far fetched.

So I’ll leave it up to our savvy readers. Is this just a fake attempt at spreading fear or are these Shadow People/Demons/ Ghosts really causing havoc in this building?

Note: There are other articles on Shadow People right here at GT as well as many other examples via search engine.

