I saw it in my house at night, you can see my hallway from where I was sitting watching tv on my couch, I didn’t see the whole thing I just saw it peek its head around the corner and look at me. My house was total dark aside from the light from my tv, my husband was asleep in the recliner, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and when I looked over at it, I saw what looked like solid white head with no face looking at me. I don’t know how I know it was looking at me since it didn’t have any eyes I just know, and the second I looked at it, it shot back behind the wall to my hallway. I didn’t get any bad feelings from it, it startled me but I wasn’t scared enough to wake my husband up, I was just leery of the hallway for the rest of the night. I just felt like it was curious about me and wanted to take a look.
My house is only one level but it is split up in to 2 sections, the front part of the house we never use, we have always had a weird feeling up there, we mainly live in the back of the house where the kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom are. The front part has a den and an extra bedroom. Where I saw this thing was in the hallway leading form the front of the house to the back.
The other things that have happened is we have heard a lot of knocking, and its an old house so we do hear the regular old house noises but this always sounds like it on glass and its always 4 knocks in a row. The 1st time it happened was the same night I saw the white thing, I was asleep (I’m a deep sleeper), and my husband was laying in bed trying to fall asleep and he said he heard 4 knocks on our bedroom window, you would have to be about 8 feet tall to reach up there from the outside, we have heard it several times since then but we can never pinpoint where it is coming from. Except the last time, we were in the front part of the house watching some clips on YouTube and heard the 4 knocks again and this time it sounded like someone had knocked on the french doors that separated the front and the back part of the house. No one was there except us and we weren’t more than 5 feet from them, it freaked us out so we turned the computer off and went to bed.
One time I was alone in the house, my husband had gone to work and I was taking a shower getting ready for work, I had been in there for about 10 minutes and I heard the door knob in the bathroom door jiggle, it didn’t sound like much but it startled me. When I got out I checked the house to see if anyone had come in and the air conditioner was off so it wasn’t an air pressure change.
One other thing that happened, I had just gone to bed, I hadn’t been laying there for more than a minute or two when I heard the tv in my living room turn on, it was static because we don’t have cable and we had to get a converter box, and to pick up any channels you have to turn the box on with a separate remote control, a minute or two after I heard the static from the tv I heard a tv show come on, it was either a tv show or I heard a man and a woman talking in my living room, I couldn’t understand what they were saying but I could tell it was a man and a woman, and again I wasn’t scared enough to wake my husband up but I didn’t want to go investigate either, the next day when I woke up the tv and the converter box were off.