Friday Video: 5th dimension – Ghosts

Bringing back the “Friday Video” posts, I found this ‘5th dimension’ documentary on the study of ghosts. It shows some pretty good research footage of experiments to contact ghosts, famous cases like the Enfield poltergeist, the Belmez faces and others. Another of the interviews is with an owner of an English Inn. It’s said to be the country’s most Haunted home. The Ram Inn sits on top of some graves. The owner recalls being pulled at by the spirits at night.

There is this obscure video of a supposed seance in which the medium contacts a ghosts, ectoplasm comes out of the medium’s mouth and a spirit appears. According to the documentary, this footage was held as definite proof of the paranormal. Looking like a bad B movie, the scenes are creepy and look more like a satanic ritual or something. The eerie music does not help either.


