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The following reader submitted story took place in Santee, California. Which is a small place north of San Diego.
Reading more like a “Shadow person” haunting than a location haunting, it’s important to remember that most people who report these so-called “Shadow beings” say that they follow them throughout the years.
6 commentsFrom 97 to 99 I rented a room out of my sisters house here in Santee, Ca and those were the creepiest two years of my life.
It all started out great, I was having financial problems so one of my older sisters let me move into their house which she was sharing at the time with her husband and son. I want to keep the name confidential so I will refer to my sister as Laura and my nephew as Brian.
After a few months of living there, everything at first seemed all right. Nothing really out of the ordinary, just a regular 4 bedroom / 2 bath house in the outskirts of Sante. Just down a half a mile or so from Santana High. But after a few months everything seemed to change. Weird noises at night, seeing movement out of the corner of your eye and the feeling of being watched, especially in the garage where i would do a lot of weight lifting.
One night my nephew Brian comes running out of his room, screaming that there a large man with a tall hat on his head standing in the corner of his bedroom.
“oh don’t worry about him he likes to follow us around every time we move to a new place” [laura said]. My Nephew looked unconvinced. “Mom are you trying to tell me that some strange guy is living in the house with us?”.She later told both Brian and I that three ghosts, two human,one a black cat has been following both her and her husband Dan for the past few years.
“every time we would try to settle in to a new place they would just tag along”. At first I thought everyone in the house was smoking some good weed, so I just ignored the whole thing until a few weeks later. Late at night while I was trying to sleep, something would come up next to my bed and start whispering in my ear.
I couldn’t make out what was being said, but I would get so freaked out I would sleep with the lights on and turned up my radio so I wouldn’t have to listen to that damn whispering in my ears,it worked sometimes.One day I was late for work. I use to do deliveries for KFC at nights. So I grabbed a few items from the kitchen and started making my way to the front door. Then I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye and stopped before reaching for the front door. Nobody else was home at the time and my sister’s two dogs were in the backyard. All I know was that something big, black and furry with bright green eyes had just jumped off the corner of the couch in the front room, hit the ground and vaporized.
I was out the door faster than you could blink. I told my sister about it the next day. Told her in the front room I saw a huge
“was it black?”…she asked
“yeah,and it had these brilliant”..
“green eyes” she would finish my sentence before I could
“and it was”
“really furry” she finished again
“what the hell was that thing?” I asked
“it is just a cat,it likes to travel with the other two gents”
“you mean the ones that have been freaking out Brian lately?”
“yeah those two”
“I feel like I have to tell you that I have had the feeling of being watched, especially out in the garage.”
“they’re everywhere,and they will not go away, ever” she told me.A year or so later, I moved out of that house and into a apartment in El Cajon. My sister and her husband along with my nephew moved out of Santee and up to Marietta about 45 miles north of San Diego.
The house was taken back by it’s original owners to fix it up and flip it back when real estate was doing good. No idea who the new tenants are in that old house, and never had the nerve to ask my sister if the threesome had followed them up to their new place. Probably because I do not want to think about it again.