UFO Over Hurricane Irene? Bonus NYC Footage Added!!!

UFO Over Hurricane Irene? Bonus NYC Footage Added!!!

It seems these days that every natural disaster inevitably has a UFO video attached to it. Hurricane Irene is no exception I suppose.

I debated as to whether to post this or not. You see, I’m very anal as to what I consider worthy of GT and as I waded through video after video of garbage today I came across 3 that caught my attention enough to, well, fill space on a slow strange news day.

The first was a video reminicent of the Lerado, TX video except it was claimed to be a squadron of UFO’s over Kansas. The only problem is every single UFO in the “squadron” drifted slowly to the ground. Now, it was either a mass landing and “contact” or just some unexplained occurrence that was obviously not otherworldly. I voted the latter without hesitation and nixed it.

The second was a terrible video of what is claimed to be a UFO landing in Siberia and the occupants actually exiting the craft. Frankly, I saw no UFO and I saw no occupants, so that one was thrown to the wind.

Finally I happened upon the one below. While I don’t care for the format of a video of someone’s TV screen, I thought it had a modicum of interest.

You will see the “UFO” beginning at the 0:55 minute mark, but look fast or you’ll miss it.

Although I wasn’t all that impressed, maybe the GT faithful can throw me a bone, which by the way is what this UFO looks like.

Soooo, impressed? No? Well, find me something good and email it too me! After all, am I expected to do everything? Oh yea, I am, aren’t I? OK, nuff said.

Here is a better updated view from reader, “NASA REVIEWED”:

By the by, I did my best with my UFO/Irene mash-up. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good editing program here at home. So before you all slam me for it, I already know it’s bad.

New Footage added!!!

After this article posted one of our anonymous readers happened upon footage out of NYC of several UFOs coming in over the city ahead of the hurricane. I thought it worthy of an add on. Could be flares or something explainable but as the narrators are saying in the video, “Looks like some weird Sh|t!”. Actually the narration is worth it alone with the classic NYC dialect, LOL!

