He did what? This has basically been the reaction of the many who stumbled upon this piece of news while flying through the pages of the Independent, Huffpost UK and other mainstream media outlets. It seemed as though this was going to be this generation’s arriving example of blind faith and superstition, except that the whole story was a misunderstanding.
El Lobison. According to prevailing Argentine beliefs, the seventh son or daughter of a family was bound to be a werewolf. The creature was to show its true form on the child’s thirteenth birthday, when the child would transform into a werewolf like creature, the Lobison. The horrific creature fed on babies, corpses and excrement. According to reports, the belief was so popular in the nineteenth century, posts would go to the extent of murdering their seventh child to prevent conceiving a teen werewolf. The idea of re-incarnating such a horrific tradition is indeed beyond scope in today’s era, which is perhaps what led to the exaggerated reports.
On 23rd December, President Kirchner formally adopted Yair Tawil, a 21-year-old Jewish boy of Argentinian nationality, followed by a little candle-light ceremony at the Tawil residence. As a result of this adoption, Tawil will receive a full scholarship, a gold medal, and the title of being the President’s godson.
Given that Tawil was the seventh daughter of her family, the media mistook it as a case where the President was, in fact, performing the adoption as an act of “saving” the family from conceiving a werewolf. This led to the fear of an official accent on a medieval superstition that involved infanticide, and we all know how bad news spreads fast in these cases. The authorities, including Kirchner herself, decided to keep quiet on the issue.
But now, thanks to the Guardian, we know that the President wasn’t fueling a dead superstition, she was, in fact, adopting Tawil as a part of another East European tradition, by which any seventh son or daughter of Argentina is eligible for becoming the godson/god-daughter of the President. till now, the facility was available to Christian babies only, but now is extended to Jews too, thanks to Kirchner.
Here goes another case of unnecessary hype concealing the actual facts. What do you think?
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