New Old Evidence For Atlantis?

New Old Evidence For Atlantis?

There are reports that a submerged city has been discovered off the coast of Cuba in 600 feet of water. The “discoverers” are calling this Atlantis, though supposedly this was first discovered during the Cuban Missile Crisis by American nuclear submarines.

From Before Its News

Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba in a submersible robot, have confirmed that there is a huge city on the ocean floor. The site of the ancient city – including several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids and other structures – surprisingly is within the boundaries of the legendary Bermuda Triangle.
According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to her was arrested during and after the Missile Crisis. “The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Missile Crisis Cuba in the sixties, nuclear submarines cruising structures found (in the deep sea) with a pyramid in the Gulf. Immediately shut down the site and took control of it and objects, so that will not reach the hands of the Russians.“

It would have to be in the Bermuda Triangle, wouldn’t it?
It is a shame that the discoverers immediately jump to calling this find Atlantis as that will almost certainly detract from their credibility and the involvement of reputable archaeologists to begin work on learning the actual history of this location. And despite the headlines that a giant sphinx has been found I have yet to locate an image to support that claim. Likewise claims of a written language engraved on surfaces and a pyramid larger than that of Cheops in Giza, capped by a huge crystal (straight out of Atlantean New Age lore)

The original source seems to be an Italian website so if you speak or at least read Italian, you can check that out HERE

That the article states this discovery was made in the 1960’s and left unexplored in all this time makes me suspicious of its validity.

Cuban Missile Crisis Halts Research

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to her was arrested during and after the Missile Crisis. “The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Missile Crisis Cuba in the sixties, nuclear submarines cruising structures found (in the deep sea) with a pyramid in the Gulf. Immediately shut down the site and took control of it and objects, so that will not reach the hands of the Russians. “

The scientific team of experts from the ocean, oceanographers and archaeologists found ruins of ancient buildings of 183 meters below the ocean. They say the city is Atlántida.

Atlantis or not, if this discovery proves true, it is of significant value and I only hope it is given the serious study it deserves.

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Henry Paterson
