Imagine, if you will suspend disbelief for a mere 93 minutes, that it is 2018 and Sarah Palin is President of The United States. Desperate for a re-election ploy and working on the advice of her publicist she launches another manned mission to the moon. It is here we enter our story as those intrepid astronauts, chosen in typical modern American manner for their popularity rather than competence, discover to their regret a secret moon base manned by Nazis who escaped the bounds of Earth in 1945 to carry on their mission of world domination, which they are on the cusp of renewing.
Take two parts Steam Punk, one part “Mars Attacks,” one part James Bond of the Roger Moore era, and one part “Dr. Strangelove,” mix haphazardly and pretty much right there you have the plot of “Iron Sky.”
As is true of many cult films, if you don’t ask too much of it, have a nice rum and coke handy, and know a bit of the relevant history you might just get a few laughs. Otherwise you will be scratching your head wondering why this movie was even made.
A joint project between Finland, Germany and Australia it is as disjointed as you might expect. If cult films are your thing and you have not heard of “Iron Sky” give it a whirl. If you enjoyed “Les Patterson Saves the World” You’re gonna love this. If you are more of the Yahoo Serious type, hard to say.
“Lord of the Rings” this isn’t, it’s not even “Lord of the Flies” but I would still rather watch it than Lord of the Dance!