Happy Halloween GhostTheorists!
To help you get in the spirit of Halloween, I want to post an excellent documentary on zombies. The History Channel has gone above and beyond this year, and they’ve compiled a very well researched and articulate documentary on the subject of zombies. Yes, those rotting and autonomous creatures that have become more popular than ever before.
I had received an “urgent” email from Scott McMan saying that I should tune into the History Channel as soon as possible. So I did. For the next hour or so I witnessed one of the most well-rounded documentaries on zombies. I really appreciated how far back the History Channel went to try and find the origins of the zombie story. The production value was as superb as the research, recreations and zombie actors.
So I hope you enjoy this as much as we did.
And watch out for zombies. Especially tonight!
Edit: Fixed video.